1. The text

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* Amy's POV *

Chris-I'm sorry I let you down.
But what dose that mean. Has he done something? Is everything okay?
Its been a week and I haven't heard from Chris. Maybe he's just giving me some space or maybe he's just really busy at the moment. I just hope everything's okay.

I sat on my bed looking at all of the packed boxes that I needed to unpack but refused to. I felt that by unpacking the boxes I would be admitting that this was now my home when its not. My home is where Chris is, where I can be with him and talk to him in person.

Amy- Chris is everything okay.
Amy- Chris are you ok.
Amy- are you even there.
Amy- do you even care anymore.

I'd left Chris numerous texts but still none of them had been answered. Maybe Chris no longer cared anymore. Maybe not saying goodbye was the wrong choice.

* Chris's POV *

Amy's texted me multiple times but I don't know how to reply to any of them. What do you say in this kind of situation? I don't know why but ever since Amy left Ive been acting different. Its not like I mean to act different its just how I deal with these situations. But at least this time I knew that I had been acting different unlike every other time.

My parents had tried to be there for me but there was nothing they could do to change how I truly felt. My sister would come into my room or would come and find me and we would sit there and she would try to find a way to distract me which would only work for a short amount of time. Then she would leave and give me some space and I would either continue looking down at my phone at Amy's texts or I would stare into space thinking about what I should do.

But no matter how hard I try I cant think of what I should do. Should I text Amy and tell her I'm sorry for leaving her in the dark or should I just continue giving her some space to settle in? I don't know how she will react if I text her will she hate me for not texting her back or will she end up crying and wanting to come back here.

Every time I look down at my phone and see the texts from Amy my heart sinks. I feel useless like I cant do anything. Knowing that I wont be able to see her every day feels like I'm being punched. I cant take it but then I know that I cant feel bad because I cant even begin to imagine how Amy must be feeling. I just hope she's okay.

* Cat's POV *

Chris is either locked up in his room or is sat on the sofa. He's either staring into space or he's looking down at his phone. Sometimes when I look over his shoulder I see him texting a long heartfelt apology to Amy saying how sorry he is and how bad he feels for keeping her in the dark and for worrying her and it brings tears to my eyes. But then as soon as he's done typing I see him reread everything he's typed and I see his thumb ready to push send before he deletes it all and turns his phone off.

Its clear that he's hurt and confused but I don't know how I can make him feel better. There's nothing that I can do.

Plus I'm not even sure if he will ever be able to deal with what I need to tell him when's he's like this. Its not like I haven't tried to tell him its just every time I managed to think about what I would say I would just see him looking broken and lost.

I just cant tell him. At least not yet not while he's like this.

* Luke's POV *
Amy's been Locked up in her room since we got here. School hasn't started here and her parents are still sorting everything out. I'm the only one that Amy allows into her room but even then I can sense that I'm not the person she really wants to be stood in front of her.

She looks tired and her face is almost always stained from tears. Her phone is always in her hand waiting for some sort of reply from Chris. She cant hide her disappointment from me and I hate seeing her like this. Ive tried to text Chris as well but he doesn't reply to a single one of my texts.

Amy's changed things about herself. There small little things but there what make her who she is. She no longer draws in her sketchbook and she no longer plays in the rain. All the small things that everyone enjoyed most about her are gone and have been replaced.

I need to find a way to get Chris to fix all of this. I need to find a way to make sure their relationship isn't at an end. It cant be not after everything they did to keep their relationship going.

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