25. Amy

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My heart was pounding against my chest and I could barely get the oxygen into my lungs. It was really happening. Chris was really in surgery. And there was nothing I could do. I was useless.

Luke was next to me muttering to himself about that this isn't how the stories end. How the movies were all wrong cause in real life its a hell of a lot harder then it looks. He just kept going on and on about how he had been lied to over and over again. Usually I would laugh at him for getting so serious about all of this but for once he was right. Everything he said I agreed with.

The minutes felt like hours and the hours felt like days. We were sat with Chris's family who all looked just as nervous as I felt.
" You really care about him don't you." His mother said to me and I gave her a weak smile.
" I do. I guess in some crazy and cheesy way you could say that he saved me from everything, emotionally and physically." She gave me a small smile and nodded in agreement.
" Don't worry love I know what you mean. You saved him to. You've helped him in so many ways I cant even begin to think how to thank you or make it up to you."
" There's no need. Being with Chris is enough." She gives me another smile and I can see the tears building in her eyes, even though she dose well to hide it from the others.

Then once the doctor finally comes up to us and tells us that Chris is out of surgery its like everyone can finally start to breathe again. When we get to the room his family stay outside to talk to the doctor whilst me and Luke sit in chairs next to Chris. His eyes slowly start to open and he looks at me and smiles. I smile back at him. But somethings wrong, his smile begins to fade and he looks confused and lost. My smiles gone. Then my heart stops with what he says next.

" Who are you?"

Your voice: so far away (completed)Where stories live. Discover now