7. Amy

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Its the last day of half term meaning today I have to leave. I don't want to leave but I guess I have to. My parents will pick me up in the afternoon so I have the morning to do what I want. I decided on wake up early and watch the sun rise from one of the fields next to my grandparents house. The sun rise here is so much more beautiful then the one in the city mainly because in the city its always blocked by tall buildings. Then I decided to go for a walk in the forest. It was quite and the birds were happily singing. There was a gentle breeze that would flow through my hair. I closed my eyes and I forgot about everything that had happened. It was just me. Then when I opened my eyes everything was back to normal.

The floor was covered in twigs and leaves that had fallen from the trees so it was hard to step without making a sound. Then when the wind started to pick up I tied my hair up to stop it from blowing in my face. There wasn't anyone else to be seen which was weird but also kind of relieving at the same time. Then when it started to get closer to the afternoon I decided to walk through the city centre. There were a few people but still not as many as I thought there would be or not as many as I'm used in the city. Then I saw Chris and his family walking around together. I was glad that they were all getting along better.

But when Cat turned round and saw me I tried to carry on walking. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I could see that Cat was still looking at me from the corner of my eye. I looked at my phone and then put it back in my pocket. I sat down on a bench that was nearby. My back was to Chris and his family and I held my head in my hands. Then I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Luke by my side. He gave me a reassuring smile and I got up and pulled him into a tight hug. I could tell he was confused but he didn't let go.
" Come on, I was supposed to take you home straight away but I think you need something to distract you for a while." I gave him a small nod as he lead me to an ice cream shop.

We sat and ate ice cream whilst we talked. It was probably the most I've talked to Luke since we moved. We kept getting texts from my parents but we chose to ignore them. Then once we had finished eating our ice cream we saw my parents walking around outside. It didn't take long before they spotted me and Luke. They came in and told us to follow them back to the car so that we could go home. Me and Luke didn't have time to say anything until we were outside. My parents walked behind us making sure we kept walking but I'd had enough at this point. I stopped walking as soon as we were out of the shop which made everyone stop.
" Amy come on we don't have time for this we need to get going if we want to make it home in time." My dad said.
" What if I don't want to go 'home' just cause you call it home doesn't mean its my home." I said showing them I was annoyed.
" Sweetie if this is about your friends then I'm sure you'll make plenty more." My mum said in a calm caring tone.
" Why cant you both just listen to me for once! I don't like the city I hate it, its so loud and busy and there's never anyone to talk to." I saw Chris and his family walking on the other side of the road. I was lost in thought when my parents walked me and Luke to the car. Then just as they were about to get in the car I snapped out of and refused to get in the car.
" don't make me go back please!" I begged but I knew it wouldn't change their mind.
" Amy there's nothing here for us anymore." My dad said.
" But there is. You've just given up looking for it." I said starting to get annoyed.
" Amy I know you don't want to leave your friends but it's what's best...." he tried to put his hand on my shoulder for comfort but I pulled my shoulder away from him. I could see him planning what he was going to say next but I'd already given up. I rolled my eyes at him and slammed the car door shut as I got in. I stared out the window and didn't say anything. I saw Chris look at me as his family passed us. I didn't want to leave him again.

Then my dad got in the car and we drove off. Nobody said anything for the whole journey. When we got back it was really late so I went straight to my room and slammed the door shut. I curled up into a tight ball on my bed and let the tears I had been holding back the whole journey finally run down my face.

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