2. Chris

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It was early in the morning and I was sat on the edge of my bed staring down at my phone. Its been 2 weeks since Amy left and I can't stop thinking about her. I look down at my phone and switch it on. I open my messages and look at all of the unanswered texts from Amy and Luke. I felt so guilty leaving them in the dark for so long but I had to let them both know that I had their best intentions at heart. Then I started typing a text to both of them explaining everything or at least everything they needed to know for now.

Chris- Hey I'm sorry I've been so distant I've just been trying to give you both some space. Things have been crazy here but it's nothing to worry about. I'm sorry if I worried you both and I'll explain everything if you want me to. That's if you can forgive me.

I finally managed to press send and I let out a sigh of relief. It was finally done. Now all I had to do was wait for a reply from either one of them. I decided to get ready and go out on an early morning walk. Then as I walked out the door I felt my phone buzz in my jacket pocket. I took it out of my pocket and saw a text from Amy.

Amy- hey is everything alright you've hardly spoken to me since I left?
Chris- yh everything's fine.
Amy- Chris???
Chris- seriously I'm fine.
Amy- so what are you doing today?
Chris- I'm on a walk
Amy- this early?
Chris- yeah.
Amy- oh ok then. I have to go I'll talk to you later.
Chris- ok. Bye.
Amy- bye

Why did I lie. I wasn't fine I was miserable and confused. I just don't want Amy to worry.

* Amy's POV *

I can tell straight away that Chris isn't fine when he says he's on a walk this early in the morning. He only went on walks this early in the morning when he felt he needed to escape from everything that was going on. He only goes on whole day walks when he can't handle anything and when he's confused about everything and he needs to clear his head.

I feel so guilty for making him feel this way. I didn't really have to go I could have just kept texting him but I just couldn't stand the thought of Chris struggling with all of this because of me. I looked at one of my packed boxes that was labelled memories. I walked over to it and tore back the packaging tape and opened up the box. Inside were all of the photos of me and Chris together and notes that we would pass each other at school. There were all kinds of things from all of the fun me and Chris had had together. All of the memories we both shared. I saw my sketchbook tucked away in the corner of the box and pulled it out.

I walked over to my bed and sat on the edge with my legs crossed. I opened up my sketchbook and I saw the first picture I'd ever drawn in it. It was from when me and Chris were both trapped in my house because of the storm and I had sat in a chair and started drawing in it. It was my first ever sketch of Chris. I'd sketched all of my favourite memories of me and Chris in my sketchbook so that I would never forget them. There were also a bunch of loose pieces of paper that either Chris had drawn for me or that I had drawn and shown to Chris. I closed my sketchbook and wiped the tears in my eyes away with my sleeve. I remember all of the silly jokes that Chris had told me and all of the stupid things he had done just for me and I laughed slightly. I miss him.

I laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling, trying to remember Chris's arms around me as we laid next to each other on the grass. We would stare up at the sky for hours and I could stay there forever. But then I remember where I am and how far away we both are now.

Then I get an idea and I sit up on my bed and I hold my sketchbook in my hand. I stare down at the old battered cover and I run the tips of my fingers down it. I walk out of my room knowing that my parents and Luke are out and I start putting my idea together.

* Chris's POV *

I haven't heard from Amy since this morning. I've been walking around the forest for hours now just trying to clear my head but no matter what I always end up thinking about all of the fun times me and Amy both had in this forest. All of the dog walks we had with Shep and all the times we had just been walking and had somehow found ourselves in the forest.

I cant stand being away from her I miss her too much.

Then once the sun had set I started to make my way back home. By the time I finally got home everyone had already gone to bed so I went straight to my bedroom. But I couldn't sleep just like every other night since Amy had left. I kept checking my phone for any messages from Amy but there was still nothing from Amy. I finally put my phone down and tried to get some sleep.

In the morning I walked down stairs early in the morning and I saw a package that had my name on it. I walked over and picked it up and I decided to open it in my room. Once I was in my room I closed the door behind me and I started to tear open the top of the packaged envelope. I reached in and felt a thick leather book. Then once I took it out of the envelope I was shocked at what was now in my hands.

Amy's sketchbook. I opened it up and saw all of the pictures that she had drawn. All of her sketches and all of the pictures I had drawn her that she had kept. Then once I saw the last page my heart sank.

Dear Chris,
I'm sorry for all of the pain I've given you and thats why I have to do this. Our love is in the past now. There's nothing that can stop either one of us from either getting hurt or feeling sad or confused. Maybe theres a reason we never got to say goodbye but I just want you to know that this doesn't mean that I stopped loving you I just need a break so that we can figure out what we're gonna do. I'm so sorry Chris. I never meant to hurt you like this.

I sat on the edge of my bed. The sketchbook slowly slipped from my hand and hit the floor with a thud. I could feel tears burning my eyes but I didn't know if they were tears of sadness or of anger and frustration. Maybe it was both. I grabbed my phone and called Amy.

Amy: Chris hey...
Chris: so your breaking up with me.
Amy: Chris I'm sorry I....
Chris: Amy if your sorry then don't send me a sketchbook of our time together and then write a note in the back of it telling me your breaking up with me. I thought you loved me more then that.
I could hear Amy crying in the background and it still hurt me to hear her cry. To know that I had done that to her even if she had broken my heart it still didn't break the love I have for her.
Amy: Chris please just listen to me...
Chris: I'm tired of listening Amy.... I cant do this.
Amy: what do you mean?
I let out a small sigh trying to hide the fact that I now had tears rolling down my cheeks.
Chris: I can't do this... not now.
Amy: but what do you mean Chris? What are you hiding from me?
Chris: Do you really want to know?
Amy: of course I do Chris.
Chris: fine.... I'm sick.... but don't worry cause now that you've broken up with me you don't need to check up on me or do anything. You wanted the truth well thats it.

Then before she could say anything else I hung up the phone and put it in my bedside table. I sat on the edge of my bed and let the tears that were burning my eyes roll down my cheeks.

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