12. Chris

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Every day I meet up with Amy, Luke, Sarah and Abbie and we always spend the day together even if we're in school or out doing something fun together. But the days have flown by and today we have to leave. Ive had too much fun and I don't want it to end. I'm afraid that as soon as we leave Amy's going to see it as us leaving her again and keep everything to herself again. I just wish that there was a way to keep me and Amy together. Ever since we kissed on the bridge its all I can think about. Having to fight back my feelings from Amy is possibly one of the worst feelings I've ever felt in my whole life. She's everything to me and she's only just started to trust me again. I cant just let that all be undone. There has to be a way to show her that I'm here for her.

Then it hits me. It could quite possibly be one of my worst and most stupid ideas but I'm running out of time. I don't have long before the bus comes. But luckily I woke up early and packed all of my things so that I could see Amy before I left. I walked over to her house and knocked on the door. Amy answered the door and let me in. She smiled at me and then I saw that it was about to drop when she realised why I was here.
" Amy... alright I'm just gonna be completely honest here and tell you that even though you broke up with me and you said goodbye to me... repeatedly, I just.... I cant lose you Amy. I love you too much to lose you. Your the only voice I can hear and if I'm honest I'm glad I can only hear you because, well your all I ever want to hear. Your laugh is irresistible and your smile is even better. You make me laugh and you make me happy. Everything about you is perfect, its why I still love you, its why I've always loved you since the day we met in the field. Not a day has ever passed that I've known you and not loved you Amy." I could see tears filling her eyes but she had the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face. She looked down at my hands and held them in hers. She then looked back up at me and I was scared she was going to tell me goodbye again.
" Not a day has passed that I've known you that I haven't loved you either Chris. You mean the world to me." I felt a smile of relief spread across my face as I leaned in and brought Amy into a kiss.

" YAY!!!!!! YOUR BACK TOGETHER!!!!" Me and Amy both jumped at Luke's sudden appearance. And then I noticed that Amy's parents were both stood next to Luke. They had tears in their eyes and it was clear that they had all heard and seen everything.
" So thats why you didn't want to leave the farm." Her dad said. It was clear he felt guilty for not letting Amy ever explain why she didn't want to leave. I felt really nervous because this was the first time I'd met Amy's parents and it was clear that Amy had noticed because she had interlocked our finger instantly making me feel better.

I looked at my watch and then at Amy. It was already time for me to leave.
" Its Alright Chris. You have to leave and go back home." Amy said.
" But I don't want to leave you again." I said.
" NO! You cant leave! Why do the movies have to make it look so easy. Can't we jut skip to the happy ending where you too are just together and in love." It was clear that Luke wasn't too keen on me leaving either. We all laughed (well except for Luke who was leaning on a wall sulking).
" Maybe you don't have to say goodbye again." Amy's parents said which immediately got our attention.
" what do you mean?" Amy asked and it was clear she was just as clueless as I was.
" What if we did a small little trial where you stay with your grandparents for a while. Then you can see each other whenever you want and then we'll see what we do next." Her mum explained. I could see a huge smile spreading across Amy's face which made me smile.
" But how would I even get there? What about school?" Amy asked.
" We'll drive you there, and don't worry about school we'll sort everything out for you." Her dad said. She ran over to her parents and gave them a big hug and they all laughed and they were all smiling which made me glad. Luke seemed to have cheered up as he had joined the hug. Then I said goodbye to Amy and I told her were to meet me when she arrived.

I had to run back to get to the bus in time. I only just got there on time and I made up some stupid excuse as to why I was later then everyone else. I decided not to tell Sarah and Abbie that Amy was coming back so that then Amy could surprise them herself. It was a long journey and it took half the day but we were finally home. I told my parents that we were stuck in traffic and that we would be home a bit later and that I would walk back home so that I could have some time alone with Amy.

I didn't have to wait long until Amy was back in my arms. We were both laughing and  smiling because we were finally together again. We decided to take a walk together along the beach. We held hands as we walked but neither one of us said a word, we were to busy enjoying our time together. Then we walked past the rocks we would always sit on and we both agreed that was a good spot to talk to each other.

Once we had both climbed up on the rocks we sat next to each other. Our fingers we interlocked with each other and Amy had her head gently resting on my shoulder. We were both looking out at the sea watching the fading sunlight dance on the waves. I let out a small sigh and I could tell that Amy knew what was bothering me. I felt her grip my hand but then her grip started to fade. I looked over at her. She had taken her head off of my shoulder and had her arms wrapped round her legs. She focused only on the sea. The fading sun still glistened in her eyes. Her whole face was just as perfect as the day I met her, maybe even more. I could feel my stomach churning as my heart sank. I looked closer at Amy's eyes and saw that there were tears. She rested her chin on her knees and didn't break her focus on the sea but I knew she was listening.

" So what do we do now?" I asked her. I turned my head to look at what she was seeing. Amy let out a small sigh and I could see she was pulling her legs closer to her chest.
" I don't know. What do you want...?" Her voice trailed off slightly as she said this. I looked down and then back at Amy. I could feel the tears in my eyes starting to build.
" I want you..." My voice cracked slightly as I said this. Then I saw Amy look down at the ground.
" But you don't trust me." She said. I couldn't say anything. I was lost for words. I could see her shaking her head slightly. She then looked up. Her hand was next to mine. Then just as I was about to put my hand on top of hers I stopped myself. And I could tell that Amy had seen what I had done. She let out a single laugh ,but I could tell she was hurt, she then shook her head and stood up.
" where are you going?" I asked as I started to get up. Amy didn't look at me and avoided eye contact.
" Its clear you still have a lot on your mind. So when your done deciding if you gonna break up with me or not then come find. Also don't worry about breaking my heart or hurting my feelings, its never stopped anyone in the past." I could hear the pain in her voice and I felt my heart sink.

I watched as she walked away. I stayed where I was for a while before deciding to go back home. But when I returned I was shocked at what I discovered.
" YOUR PREGNANT!!!!" I yelled in shock at my sister who couldn't even look me in the eyes. My parents tried to calm me down but I couldn't help but feel slightly betrayed. I told them I needed some air and went out for a late night walk. I didn't really know where to go. I couldn't go back home that was for sure. After I'd ruled out every other option I decided to give in and make my way to Amy's grandparents house.

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