21. Amy

17 3 0

A few months later

So far Chris has had to go to the hospital 5 times because of his illness that I still have no clue what it is. All I know is that he's on the waiting list for a special operation that will cure him. There are apparently some risks for the operation so I cant say that I'm no worried but I try to put a brave face on for Chris as I can tell he's already worried enough as it is. Then Chris's sister had her baby and things got a bit hectic. I spent a lot of days at Chris's house trying to help him manage everything he was dealing with. Thankfully in the end he managed to figure everything out and now him and his sister are talking again and trying to rebuild the trust between them. I decided to give them both a bit of time to get used to things so I spent a lot of time with Sarah and Abbie. We had some days out and some days we just preferred to stay inside for the day.

We talked and we had a laugh together. We ended up getting into quite a bit of trouble while we were hanging out but in the end the person telling us off just laughed and let us off the hook. However Sarah and Abbie weren't always available so I ended up spending quite a lot of time just by myself. One weekend my family came over and I told the all about what had happened and how much happier I was here and I could tell they were glad. Then Luke and I ended up getting into trouble, maybe even more then me Sarah and Abbie got in, but we had fun. That weekend I laughed a lot and by the end of it I was completely exhausted. However before my family left I found out that they were actually considering moving back here. They told me that they actually ended up missing the place more then they had originally thought they would. So they might be looking at houses when they get back but its still not completely certain, but hey cant blame a girl for hoping.

Most of the days that it was just me I mainly just played my guitar and wrote a new song or went for a run in the woods. I hadn't heard much from Chris so I assumed he must still be busy with his family.

Later on my phone buzzed. I picked it up and noticed that it was Chris who was texting me.

C- hey
C- you ok?
C- you've been kinda quite
A- yeah just giving you some space to have time with you family
A- thats all
C- awwwww
C- thats sweet
C- but I still like to hear from you
C- you know, know you alive and everything
A- okay Sherlock I'll text you more next time
C- better
A- so what have you been up to
C- ugh just boring stuff
C- hospital and all that
A- but its worth it
C- I guess...
C- so what you been up to
A- just getting into trouble
A- having some time to myself
A- not much really happened
A- except Luke came over and got me in more trouble then before
C- why the hell were you getting into trouble
A- I was bored
A- so.... I jumped on restaurant tables and ran around public places
A- oh and also got chased by a few business owners
C- I leave you alone for a while and this is what happens
A- oh and I also got into 2 fights
A- in my defence the first one the door started
C- and the second one?
A- oh yeah I might have punched this girl
C- what happened
A- well I went back with my family for a day and well things got interesting
A- one of the girls I used to get into a fight with daily was there
A- and well you know the rest
C- so you punched her?
A- technically she kneed me in the stomach first
C- when was that?!
A- yesterday...
C- oh.....
C- are you okay?
A- yeah just a few cuts and bruises
A- you know I think she's getting soft
C- your crazy
A- awwwwwww thanks
C- anyway want to do something tomorrow
A- Like what
C- just trust me
A- why
C- are your trust issues really that bad
A- yes
A- so tell me
C- nice try
C- but your gonna have to wait
A- awwwwww come on
A- not even a clue
C- alright I'll give you a clue
A- yay
C- your gonna be with me
A- what that clue sucked
C- I never said it was a helpful clue
A- you little....
C- sweetheart
C- yeah I know
A- its a good thing I love you
C- awww love you too

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