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Ever since I met Amy I've always hated seeing her upset. So I decided to take her to a special place I'd found whilst she was away. When I found it I knew it would be the perfect place to take her. Even when we had broken up a part of me knew that it wasn't the end and that one day I would hold her hand and I would guide her to this hidden hide away. It was a place for us to both escape from the world when everything started to get just a little bit too much. It was quite and peaceful and no one knew about it.

I'd blindfolded Amy and I was carrying her to where we were going. She was laughing the whole time. I'd missed her laugh. I'd missed being able to take her away from the world even if it was only for a few seconds. I'd missed holding her in my arms and protecting her from the world around her. But the thing I'd missed most was her. I could have moments like this with anyone but they wouldn't make me feel as alive as the moments with Amy are. She has something about her that I cant explain. Its as if she can make an old run down meadow with overgrown grass and weeds everywhere seem like sort of fantasy that you've never seen before. Even the rain, she makes it fun and exciting. She makes it feel alive.

Every moment with Amy is different in some way or another. Whether its the way she laughs or the look in her eyes theres always something different. Like now her laugh is like an excited child on their way to Disneyland. Her fingers are linked behind my neck and my arms are holding her up off the ground. Sometimes whilst we're walking I spin around and make her scream with joy. I have her guitar hung round my back hanging on by the strap.

Then once we're finally there I place Amy down on the ground and I put my arms round her waist. I kiss her gently on the neck and whisper in her ear to take off the blindfold. She slowly took the blindfold off and looked through the trees at the bridge in front of us in the distance. A smile spread across her face and she turned to face me. She looked me in the eyes and smiled. I smiled back at her and tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear.
" What is this place? Why did you take me here?" She asked. I kissed her on her forehead and looked back at her.
" I found it for you." Was all I needed to say. She smiled more and bought me into a passionate kiss. Her arms raised from my waist to the back of my neck. I pulled her in closer to me. I had one of my arms linked around her waist as we slowly pulled away; I cupped my other hand on her cheek and we both looked into each other's eyes.
" I love you." Amy said and I could feel my heart racing.
" I love you too." I said. We both smiled and kissed each other.

Then we sat down on a rug I'd brought with us. I took Amy's guitar off my back and handed it to her.
" Play something." I said.
" Why?" She said doubtfully.
" Because you have an amazing voice. Why waist it?" I said making her blush slightly.
" Okay then. This is a song I wrote called see it in your eyes." She said smiling.

She started strumming and already I knew I was going to like it.

Whats going on with you
Lately your not yourself
Your backs always turned
And your hardly talking
But now your acting different
Lately you've been distant
I don't know what to do
Just give me a clue

And I can see it in you eyes
When you tell me that your fine
But I don't know why
Why you saying all these lies
Cause I can see it in your eyes
That you don't even know why
Your acting this way
So you keep waiting for a new day
Now you've cried so many tears
And you keeping all your fears
Locked up inside you
For no one else to see

And I can see it in your eyes
When you tell me that your fine
But I don't know why
Why you saying all theses lies
Cause now you've cried so may tears
And I ask you why
But you wont tell me
And you never will

Cause thats just who you are on the inside
You act so tough but I know the truth
Your just like me, just like everyone
Cause your so afraid of the world
That you hide away in your little shell

But you know that you cant keep hiding
So you try pushing me away
But I'm sorry to break it to you but I ain't going
But now your different
Everything's changed
Where did my friend go
Why is she gone

Can you tell her that I miss her
That I want her back
Cause your just a cheap knock off
Of the the very best

And I can see it in your eyes
When you tell me that your fine
Why you lying to your friends
I thought we were a family
Stop lying to your self
It wont get you anywhere
'Oh I'm fine'
Damn who created that
You say it's nothing
Well I just don't believe that

So I'm sorry for caring
Sorry for being there
But just know
I can see it in your eyes
That your lying to me but that doesn't mean
That You can treat me like trash

I was lost in her words. It had been so long since I had heard a song that I could just lose myself in. Her voice was soft and calm but loud and powerful at the same time. It was clear that this song meant a lot to her and at some points she would struggle singing but she would carry on. It was like nothing I'd ever heard before.

Then once she was done she tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear and looked at me. She put her guitar down next to her and I didn't say anything. Instead I pulled her closer and pressed my lips against hers. Everything was still and it was as if time had stoped completely. Neither one of us cared about what had happened or what was going on; all we cared about was this moment. We were happy and in love.

Then we watched the sun set over the fields in the distance. Amy's head was rested on my shoulder and our fingers were interlocked with each other's. I was leaning back on one arm with my legs out in front of me with my ankles crossed. Amy had her legs tucked up and her other hand was by her side.
" Ive missed this." She said.
" What do you mean?" I asked.
" Ive missed just sitting and doing nothing but at the same time doing so much whilst sitting next to you." She said.
" Ive missed this too." I said. Amy adjusted her head slightly but it still felt as if that was where her head was supposed to be. Every time I wrap my arms around her I cant help but think that this is where she is supposed to be. Here in my arms with her head perfectly rested on my shoulder. Our fingers fitting together better then anything else. Then every time our lips meet its as if its what we were only ever supposed to do. Just one little kiss can hold so much more. Every feeling. Every memory. Yet no one ever seems to realise; but with Amy all I can ever do is realise these small little things.

We stayed were we were for ages just watching the sun set together; neither one of us wanting this moment to end.

A/N: hope you enjoyed the chapter and the song that I wrote.
Thanks NicciBowes for the idea

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