19. Amy

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When I got home it was the middle of the day and my grandparents were out doing chores. So I had the house to myself for a while. I went to my room and I started playing my guitar. I sang a few songs hoping it would make me feel better but it didn't, if anything it just made me feel worse. So after I had put my guitar away I decided to go on a walk. I didn't really have a place in mind. So I just kept walking. Then my walk slowly turned into a jog which soon turned into a run. I decided to run in the forest for a while since I knew it would be quiet at this time. Then as I slowed down near the river I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

C- hey
A- hey
C- what u up to?
A- running in the woods
C- why?
A- its fun
A- and clears my mind I guess
C- makes sense
A- so what u up to?
C- nothing
C- literally just sat on my bed as usual
A- let me guess
A- ur bored
C- extremely
A- well don't die of boredom
C- I cant make any promises
C- I'm really bored
C- I knew I could make u laugh
A- who says I'm laughing
C- u really r annoying sometimes
A- awwww thanks
C- your crazy
A- seriously whats with all the compliments
C- u really do live in ur own little world now don't u
A- hey, its what keeps things fun
A- u should try it sometime
C- and whats that supposed to mean?
A- mate
A- ur so uptight!
A- seriously its like talking to a rock
C- I'm not uptight
A- uhhhhh yeah u r
C- well at least I'm logical
A- ewwwwww logic people
A- someone save me
C- ur so childish
A- yay!
C- so what r ur plans for later
A- idk maybe just keep running or go back and wait for my grandparents to come back
C- were'd they go
A- had to run some errands or something
A- idk I didn't really pay much attention to their note
C- of course u didn't
A- that's me
C- well have fun running
A- and u have fun dying of boredom
C- don't get ur hopes up on that one
A- I wont
A- I'll text u later
C- okay thats if I haven't already died of boredom
A- okay I get it ur bored
C- and getting border by the second

Then once we finally managed to say goodbye I sat down by the river. I remember all the times me and Chris used to take Shep for walks in the woods and he'd always jump in the water and splash us with water. Then we'd laugh and we'd go somewhere else and have fun and do stupid things. It would be great. I miss our little adventures they'd always make the day more exciting.

I carried on with my run until I was back in town. I walked past Chris's house and saw him sat at his window. He was looking up at the sky so I decided not to disturb him, but of course I forgot his attention span isn't very long and he saw me.
" Amy!" He laughed. I stopped outside his window and looked up at him.
" Chris." I laughed.
" Ha told you I could make you laugh." He said.
" Okay so maybe that's true. I see you haven't died of boredom." I said making him smile.
" Yet." He said making me laugh.
" your so dramatic."
" I know. So how was your run? Did you clear your mind and stuff?"
" only as much as I can." I said. I could see Chris thinking to himself. " What?" I asked.
" Wait there." He said before disappearing into his house. I did as he said and stayed where I was and waited for him to come back. Then I saw the front door open and Chris came out. I turned towards him and he stopped inches in front if me. We looked each other in the eye and smiled at each other.
" Amy I know Ive left you without an answer for so long and I'm sorry. Ive been scarred that if we did get back together you would get hurt and it would be my fault. But then I thought about all the fun we had together and all the laughs we shared and I don't want that to end. So I guess what I'm trying to say is... will your be my girlfriend again?" He looked nervous as he waited for my response.
" of course I will." A smile spread across both our faces and then Chris pulled me into a kiss.

We talked for a while and we talked about why neither one of us had really wanted to ask about what we were gonna do and why neither of us could chose and after a while I guess it all just started to make sense. But none of that really mattered now. We were just happy holding each other in our arms. My head was rested on Chris's chest and his chin was rested gently on the top of my head. Both of our arms were wrapped around each other and it felt just like it did before only this time it was better.

Then it started to get late and I knew that Chris would probably have to get back to his family and I had to get back in time for dinner. We kissed goodbye and I ran home and managed to make it there just in time to see my grandma putting the food on the table. I sat down with them and told them everything that had happened. They seemed happy and they started making jokes and making me laugh. Then when we were finished I helped my grandparents clear away the pots and we all sat down and watched a movie together. It was as if I was 5 years old again and my parents were out of town and I'd have to go to my grandparents. They would always hug me and make me laugh. Then after dinner we would always sit together and watch a movie. My grandad would make us a large bowl of popcorn and would make me laugh during the entire movie. Then I'd fall asleep on the sofa and my grandparents would cover me over with a blanket and leave me where I was so they didn't disrupt me. And that's exactly what they did.

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