10. Chris

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After Amy gave me her bracelet I thought that maybe she had completely given up trying to be herself again but then when I saw her walking away from Jules in the courtyard I didn't quite know what to think. Then when it rained I saw Amy stood outside with a few other people having fun, but it was only when she climbed up on the tables in the canteen that I knew that she wasn't going to be giving up anytime soon. She seemed so happy when she was climbing on the tables and running around with the teachers chasing her it was almost as if she'd forgotten everything and was just having fun for a change.

I saw Luke in the canteen whilst Amy was still being chased by the teachers outside.
" What do you think she's up to?" I asked Luke.
" I have no clue anymore. All I know is that she's happy and she's trying to overcome all of the challenges she's been thrown lately." He said. We were both looking out the window watching Amy run from the teachers.
" What do you mean by challenges?" I asked.
" Let's just say its not been easy for Amy, she's had to face some tough things and then she's also had things like clumsy science partners and bullying..."  I looked at Luke in shock and he gave me a look as if to say 'wait you didn't know'.
" what do you mean?" I asked.
" Why do you think her phones so badly cracked. She only just told us that she threw it because Jules kept texting her. Plus why else would she be getting into fights daily and be separated from her class so much. Its the whole reason she's running right now." I looked back at Amy feeling sick. How could she be handling all of this. No wonder she's changed so much she's been going through all of this alone. But now it all makes sense why, when Amy was almost hit by a car why it was such a wake up call for her. She had been keeping everything inside for so long she'd blocked the whole world out. And I let her.

Then once Amy had finally been stopped she said that she was running from a bully and my heart sank. I looked over at Sarah and Abbie who both looked confused and worried. Then after watching Amy prove the headteacher wrong the bell rang and we all had to go to lesson. We all went to the same classroom that we were always in and we all sat in our seats. Then a few minutes later a teacher lead Amy to her seat in the back row. Some people started whispering whilst other silently laughed. I looked over my shoulder at Amy who was writing something in her book.

The lesson seemed to drag on more than usual so it was a relief when the bell went and we were all finally allowed to leave. As we all made our way back to the bus I saw Amy stood by the same tree she was sat under the first day we were here. Then I saw Luke walk up to her and they walked off together. Then we all got on the bus even though it wasn't a very far walk we still had to go on the bus for safety reasons. Then as we were almost at the hotel I saw Amy and Luke walking with each other. They were talking to each other and I was glad that Amy was finally starting to open up more, even if it wasn't to me.

Once we were back at the hotel me, Sarah and Abbie all went to my room to talk in private.
" So what do you think Amy meant when she said she was running from a bully?" Abbie asked.
" Well I spoke to Luke and apparently the whole reason her phone is cracked so badly is because she threw it after her bully kept texting her." I explained. Their faces dropped as I told them this and they looked as if the they were about to be sick. "What's wrong?" I asked both of them.
" Its just we were so rude and judgemental about her not texting us and we didn't even know that our friend was being bullied." Abbie explained.
" We have to make it up to her, we have to show her that we're still here for her." Sarah said. They both started to walk to the door but I stayed where I was.
" Wait." I said as they were about to open the door. They turned round and gave me a confused look. I let out a small sigh and walked over to the bedside table and picked up Amy's bracelet. " I need to tell you guys something before you start planning." So I explained everything that had happened from when Amy and I met at her grandparents all the way to when she gave me the bracelet. They had both sat down on the bed, shocked at what I was telling them. I could see their confusion growing as they thought about everything I was telling them.

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