my life glee *edited*

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hi guys I'm new here and i thought i would upload a glee story that i have been working on for a while i hope to carry on more I'm willing to listen to opinions you could add or anything just say :D anyway this is about if Rachel was head of cheerios daughter of will schuester and Santana pucks Quinn's Sam's Kurt's and Blaine best friend everything goes smoothly until the unexpected arrives can all the glee club help Rachel get through it ?

I'm Rachel schuester i am 16 and is one daughter of one Mr Will Schuester i am also the co captain of the cheerios as i walk down the corridor i see my best friend Quinn

"Hey did you bring your clothes we're going straight after practise" she says excitedly

"yep in my locker is Santana coming with us"

"Get out of my way losers" I hear from down the corridor obviously that's Santana you see me Santana and Quinn have a special kind of bond me and Santana have know each other for 12 years and me and Quinn have know each other for 6 years

Santana walks over to us i tackle her into a big hug "chica"she says

Then suddenly Noah Puckerman,Sam Evans and Finn Hudson came over, Finn is my boyfriend of a year, Noah Puckerman or as He prefers Puck is Quinn's boyfriend of 6 years that's how Quinn and I met, Puck and I were best friends from toddlers from the age of 2 Puckerman then met Quinn and now us 8 including Kurt and Blaine who are a very cute couple from Glee club have formed a mini friendship, weird right?who on the cheerios would befriend gleeks well let me tell you something us 6 do, on the inside we don't really care about labels or popularity that's not who we are.

I never told you how Santana, Puck and I met or how i even fount my dad well Santana, Puck and I lived in New York I had 2 gay dads Leroy and Hiram, Hiram was a very horrible man and didn't like how i spent so much time with Santana and Puck considering they was always on business trips and i practically lived with Santana or sometimes Puck but then when i turned 14 some things went down and Hiram made us leave New York and few months after Puck and Santana persuaded their parents to move.

After months of searching I then fount my biological dad William Schuester dating his long term girlfriend and guidance counsellor Emma Pillsbury he is also head of History class and Glee Club at William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio I decided to live with him and his girlfriend and move from Carmel and go to William McKinley and have a little reunion with Santana, Puck, Quinn, Finn and Sam a family reunited although I saw them everyday and they practically lived at mine it just seemed more right.

when i moved to McKinley i fount the atmosphere strange i mean they were slushies, i didn't understand at first until puck explained that the jocks slushied the Gleeks and geeks i was thoroughly shocked so one day i was walking to class in my sweats when suddenly i see 2 glee kids being harassed my Neanderthal of a man about to slushy the poor things i step in

flash back

"hey put those down"i scream scaring the jocks i mean come on i thought they were all big and mighty as they say

"come on princess what are they to you there only gleeks they not popular or anything"Karofsky says i learnt his name after Puck says to stay clear of him

"how about you put them things down and back of"i screech all the jocks look at each other like they are doing a silence communication and finally they agree to put them down and walk of until karofsky comes and whispers to me

"you owe me"grabbing me between my thighs so close to my underwear i am absolutely terrified i don't want another "Jesse"then my defensing skills come in i kick him so hard in the nuts he crouches down in pain all of a sudden i hear a clap from the 2 glee clubbers which i thought was gone.

"AMAZING"one member shouts at me and hugs me

"I'm Kurt Hummel and your Rachel Berry Finns girlfriend I'm his step brother thank you so much"

"no problem"i smile see they are not that bad

"thank you so much"a more masculine boy comes from behind Kurt

flashback ends

and that's how me Kurt and Blaine became friends suddenly the bell rings signalling history

hi guys so that's chapter one hope you guys like it :D

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