Chapter Seventeen

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Jc's POV

The tour bus bunks had seemed like tons of fun when we started out on the tour at the beginning of the month but now the ground seemed to feel more comfortable. I pulled back the curtain peeking out to see if anyone other than the driver was awaken, the darkness of the bunks told me that I was the only night owl awake. Slowly and quietly I crept out of the bunk heading the back lounge to seek comfort in the sofa. I glanced at my phone sending a daisy emoji to Lia hoping that she was awake and would serve as some form of entertainment. I stared out the window waiting for a reply, looking up at the sky as the stars twinkled some what brighter than they did in LA, must be the smog I thought. I flipped through my phone scrolling through hundreds of pictures I had taken throughout the tour, it was hard to believe that our last show was tomorrow, San Francisco. I scrolled to far in my camera roll when a picture of Skylar appeared. My heart sank into my butt, her silly expression made me smile, I scrolled farther. With every picture of her and us my heart seemed to break even more. I wasn't over her, I knew that, the guys knew that, my family knew that, shit sometimes I thought even Lia knew that.

I threw my phone down on the leather sofa, I couldn't take anymore memories tonight. I looked up at the stars again laying back just in time to see Sam come walking up behind me.

"Couldn't sleep either?" he said plopping down on the sofa next to me.

"Nah, these bunks are like sleeping on rocks anymore." I said laughing.

"I know what you mean, I don't know how Connor sleeps all day in that thing." Sam laughed picking up my phone, "I'm bored as hell."

"Tell me about it, I had more fun than this when we were stuck in traffic." I looked up to see Sam's eyes widen in either shock or fear.

"You still have all of these!" He squealed in shock.

"What are you talking about?" I said reaching for my phone, afraid he had fucked something up.

"All these pictures of Skylar! Lia would be pissed if she knew!" He squealed again handing me my phone. "She doesn't know!" The look on my face must have given it away, "Shit I delete everything that has to do with my ex's."

"Well I don't go through them nearly as fast as you do Sammy boy so I am not used to the Portoff protocol to break ups." I laughed flicking through the pictures once more.

"What are you doing man?"

"Riding on a tour bus. What are you doing man?" I said mocking him.

"No dude I mean what are you going to do about Lia?"

"What do you mean what am I going to do?" I said confused.

"You love Skylar, what are you going to do with Lia? Shit you have to end that just right or you're going to end up like Acaia and I or Kian and Andrea!" Sam said laughing.

"I'm not dumping Lia, Sam!" I said shocked, flipping back to the text conservation between her and I, she had yet to read the message, sleeping I assumed.

"So you're gonna get back with Skylar on the side?" He said sounding impressed.

"Hell no! I'm not trying to go for those kinds of rumors! Skylar is out in the world being her, and I am out in the world being me. If that shits meant to be it will be."

"What if you walked into a restaurant with Lia and saw Skylar, what would you do?"

"Shit my pants."

"No seriously dude, if you had them both in front of you who would you runaway with?"

"I don't know dude," I said as my mind screamed Skylar.

"Whatever don't tell me! But I know you're thinking of one girl and that's the one you should be with." Sam said standing, "Fuck this I'm going to bed."

"Skylar," I said.

"I know Jc," he said walking back to the bunks, "We all know."

"It's always been Skylar, it always will be Skylar." I whispered looking up at the sky, closing my eyes for a moment seeing her face in the darkness from my eyelids.

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