Chapter 1

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Barry glanced at his phone, noticing that Iris had texted. The silver device giving off another buzz from the group message before he set it down on the bed. The arm draped around his waist moved a bit as the other occupant got comfortable. He could feel the man's heartbeat through his back as Barry smiled. Barry spun to face his partner as he tucked his head against the man's chest. He smiled scanning his sleeping partner's face over before placing a small kiss on his chin.

"Morning." Barry whispered as he saw the icy blue eyes flicker open.

"Mornin." Len muttered in response as he kissed Barry's forehead. His hand moving up Barry's arm before resting on his shoulder, as he lightly ran his thumb over Barry cheek.

"So tomorrow's Easter." Barry started as Len stared down at his boyfriend. Rolling onto his back, Barry followed after curling up to Len's left side.

"We talked about this." Len responded as he ran his right hand over his face. His right arm covered in what appeared to be lightning as it marred the skin almost like a scar. The branching path of the scar covering his already damaged skin. Barry glanced at his left shoulder the black mark mimicking frostbite covered his shoulder to his elbow. Small traces of blue snowflakes were hidden amongst the black, only to become obvious in the cold.

"Please... Len they keep asking me." Barry whispered into his ear before kissing the criminal's neck. Len ran his left hand through Barry's hair as he gazed into his hazel eyes.

"You know why I can't." Len stated as Barry rolled away from him. "Are you seriously punishing me?" Len questioned as Barry got up from the bed.

"Yep." Barry commented as he slipped his thumbs into the waistband of the black boxers. Len rolled his eyes as he stretched and sat up.

"Barry, I'm not going to go to a house where there are a handful of people who absolutely hate me. You only told Cisco that we were dating, and his reaction was abysmal." Len started.

"Len, Cisco... overreacted."

"He called you a traitor and wouldn't talk to you for three weeks." Len responded as he swung his feet off the end of the bed. His plaid pants coming into view as he glanced at Barry waiting for a response.

"I mean... it was a bit of a reaction... He doesn't know that we are soulmates. No one does outside of Lisa and Mick. I just want my family to know as well." Barry stated before sitting down on the bed. Len watched him for a few moments, Barry could see the gears as they turned in his head.

"You know Mick was an accident." Len muttered as he got to his feet and walked past Barry and out of the bedroom. Barry got up following his partner to the small kitchen in the safe house. It wasn't a big kitchen, it had a tacky white counter that had small cracks running in it. The cabinets were missing a few handles and the old blue fridge has seen better days. The table that housed three chairs was covered in dents and scratches. Some which Barry really didn't want to know how they got there.

"I know Mick was an accident. It's just... We've been together for a year now, Len. I just want my family to meet you. It helps that they are willing to meet you as well." Barry stuttered. "Please, just consider?" Barry asked as Len scanned him over reading his expressions like a book. Reaching over he turned on the Keurig, as he grabbed a red mug and a blue mug from the drying rack.

"I'll consider." Len muttered as Barry blurred forward hugging his boyfriend. Placing a kiss on the man's cheek, he rushed off to get his phone as it rang. Len shook his head as he slipped the first pod into the machine and put the red mug underneath. Barry returned dressed for the day in a plaid shirt and his brown coat hung over his arm. "I'm going to burn that bag." Len whispered as Barry grabbed the messenger bag off the chair he had thrown it on last night.

"No you won't." Barry said before taking the now full red coffee mug from the Keurig. Len rolled his eyes as he counted out the seconds until his drink was ready, his fingers lightly drumming against his arms as he waited. Barry smiled at Len as he glanced at his watch, noticing he might be early today. "I still have time." Barry cooed as Len raised an eyebrow as the speedster took a step forward.

"You trying to get fired?" Len questioned as the small smile that was on Barry disappeared.

"You always want to have sex before I leave." Barry hesitated as Len chuckled.

"Not today, Scarlet." Len muttered as he finished counting and grabbed the mug the second the coffee stopped. "Julian has already sent you to the office once. You don't need a second time." Len stated as Barry raised an eyebrow.

"You care about what Julian thinks?" Barry questioned.

"Not particularly, but I do like hearing your stories. Also I think showing up on time will piss him off even more." Len stated as Barry laughed. Barry finished off his coffee before rinsing the mug out and kissing Len.

"See you after work." Barry whispered as he blurred out of the safe house. Len could only chuckle as he walked over to the couch, grabbed the remote and flicked on the news.


Hope you guys like it!

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