Chapter 11

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Wally smiled as he gazed out at the lake a blur of electricity sprinting across the water. A buoy dropped with a splash before the streak of orange rushed onway towards the marsh. Jesse descended the stairs her paint splattered bikini opposite of Wally's yellow trunks. Wally waved to his father who jerked his chin towards the boy before sipping at his beer.

"You screw up, your going to fall into the water." Len stated as he watched the streak of lightning slow as it swerved through the marsh dodging logs, and plants that could possible trip him. "Don't think it's going to be easy to get back your speed while submerged."

"Don't worry, I'm so gonna win." Wally declared only to get a laugh from the woman beside him. Tightening the black tie around her neck, she lightly ran her fingers against the strap that ran to the middle of the black fabric splattered with neon paint.

"You're funny. I've been doing this a lot longer than you have and I've beaten plenty of criminals on not only Earth-1, but 2 and 3 as well." Jesse pointed out.

"Yes, but Wally is faster." Len commented getting a glare from Jesse. "Practice may not be the advantage you think in this race."

"Coming from a criminals expert opinion, no offence Len, speedsters aren't exactly your forte." Wally laughed.

"Yes, a criminal who has fought both you and your mentor. My relationship with Barry gives me enough experience to have a well educated opinion." Len stated getting the two teenagers to fall silent. "Trust me when I say that Jesse, you may have to pull some tricks out of your sleeve to beat Wally here." Len added. Barry surged across the water coming to a halt in front of the dock before he fell into the water. A small yelp escaped him, as he swam to the end of the dock.


"Yah, I'm here."

"Not funny Len." Barry shouted as Len walked to the edge of the dock. Kneeling down he reached his arm out allowing Barry to grab it and haul himself up on the dock. The black soul mark on his arm glowed fiercely with blue snowflakes. Barry shivered a bit before vibrating slightly as he blurred out of focus for a few seconds. The droplets of water falling off him like rain as he dried off. Len would often call him a dog when he vibrated mainly due to getting everyone around him wet. Giving a small smile Barry rubbed at the back of his now dry neck. Len rolled his arms before pushing the right sleeve of the black swim shirt down.

"I am putting twenty dollars on Jesse." Harry stated from where he sat on the edge of the dock, his feet dangling in the water. There were fish swimming around his feet as Harry tossed bits of bread into the water enticing them closer to himself.

"Woah, woah. We aren't betting on this." Barry put in.

"Yes we are. Twenty five on Wally." Len proclaimed only to get an irritated glance from Barry.

"Twenty on Wally!" Joe shouted from his chair.

"Thirty on girly." Mick stated from where he was sitting on the grass. Sitting around him was a series of fireworks whose wicks he was tying together. Grabbing for the beer behind him, he downs a forth of it before returning to his work.

"Fine, ten on Jesse." Barry muttered.

"The hell Barry!" Wally declared.

"Sorry but Jesse has more experience." Barry admitted as he scratched at his head. "I didn't want to choose favorites but I think Jesse will win."

"Wow. You have very little faith in your brother." Len whispered.

"I have faith in him, but Jesse has more training. She's just better at being able to access the speedforce. That's all." Barry acknowledged with a grudge. His eyes went up to where Joe was sitting beside the fire before shifting to the house as Iris and Caitlin came out of the house, a towel in each of their hands. Iris was wearing a one piece black lace swimsuit. Caitlin wore a magenta high neck halter top with beading around the neck.

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