Chapter 7

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Barry smirked as he loosened his grip on Len as he slipped off the bike. Yanking the helmet off his head he gazed at the house he grew up in. Nervously running a hand through his hair, he turned to face Len who was just staring at the house. His grip on the handlebars tightening as the black helmet hid his expression. Barry's smile disappeared, he turned to Len drawing his soulmate's attention.

"Hey, you okay?" Barry asked as Len gave a nod before turning off the bike. He undid the strap for the helmet and slipped it off his head as Barry took his hand. The two headed across the street towards the house, passing the few cars in the driveway and parked along the curb. A small step and the two ascended the stairs to the front door and Barry knocked.

"Finally!" Iris shouted as she threw open the door and stopped in her tracks. Barry stood partly in front of Len, their hands entwined as she stared at the two of them. "You're joking right?" Iris whispered as Barry shook his head.

"This wasn't a good idea." Len whispered as he tried to pull away from Barry only to have him spin towards him.

"Please, just a little while." Barry begged as Len hesitated. Licking his lips, he gazed at Iris before releasing the breath that seemed to tighten his chest.

"Fine but if this goes south. I'm blaming you." Len muttered as Barry's smile reappeared. Iris hesitated for a moment before looking back into the house hearing a few voices to open the door. Taking a step backwards she allowed the door to swing open fully as Barry walked in, tugging Len after him. The room fell silent as everyone stared at the two for a few moments. Joe and Eddie drew their guns as Barry sent a glare at the two men.

"What the hell are you doing Barr?" Joe hissed as Barry's grip tightened. "Why is he here?"

"Okay, I know this maybe a shock to a few of you." Barry started before he glanced at Cisco. "But, Len and I are soulmates." Cisco jumped to his feet from where he sat on the couch.

"Traitor!" Cisco yelled. Len smirked amused by the reactions, he knew this would happen.

"Yah, how do we know he isn't keeping you hostage? Or is blackmailing you into this?" Joe snarled as Barry rolled his eyes before pulling the coat off. Tossing it onto the ground the white short sleeve shirt emphasised the now visible mark. They could clearly see the black mark that started from his elbow covering his entire upper arm before disappearing underneath his shirt. His upper arm looked like it was made of obsidian, the faint traces of blue from the snowflakes sparkled within the black.  Len huffed a breath removing his leather jacket as he hung it over his left arm, allowing his mark to be seen under the blue short sleeve shirt. They all stared as Len revealed his arm and they saw the scared over skin in the shape of lightning running up and down his arm.

"That's a big mark." Wally stated as Joe and Eddie glanced at each other before slowly lowering their guns. Barry took Len's hand as a small surge of electricity went through Len's mark, brilliantly lighting up the scars on his arm.

"Hell." Joe muttered.

"I feel like I learn something new about you everyday." Harry started. "Looks like me and Caitlin have more to study." Harry admitted as he glanced at Caitlin who was staring at the two.

"You trust him?" Wally asked as Barry nodded.

"Yah, and he trusts me. I mean I got him to come here." Barry laughed as Len bumped his arm getting the speedster to glance at him. "Please." Barry whispered as Len watched his boyfriend for a few moments before sighing.

"I know that in the past we've had our rough patches." Len started.

"Rough patches? You kidnapped me and my brother!" Cisco shouted. "You also kidnapped Caitlin and put a bomb under her." Cisco pointed out.

"I'm aware of that, Cisco. I did some terrible things to you guys and I just..." Len glanced at Barry as he gave him a small smile. "I'm sorry. Everything that I did to you was terrible. I would really like to start over." Len stammered for a few moments before he gazed around the room.

"We just going to stand around, or are we going to have Easter. I mean after all if there's any time to forgive somebody it is today." Jesse stated as the group remained silent.

"I agree with her." Len said as Barry chuckled. Wally pulled a few of the chairs out as he and Jesse sat down. Harry sitting beside his daughter as Joe gave a nod. Walking to the head of the table he sat down with Iris to his right and Eddie beside her. Cisco and Caitlin sat beside the detective of the table as Len and Barry sat across from them.

"Alright, let's eat." Joe stated as he grabbed the first of the plates starting to pass it around.


Sorry for taking such a long break guys. But here is the next chapter.

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