Chapter 14

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"Eddie what are you doing?" Iris asked as her fiance walked right into the lake, not bothering to remove a single article of clothing as he submerged himself. Iris stared at the blond haired man as he came back out of the water dripping wet and trying to catch his breath.

"What did you do?" Barry asked as he glared at Len.

"Wait why am I at fault?" Len questioned as he stared at his boyfriend.

"Because whenever something like that happens, it always leads back to you." Mick stated from where he sat finishing up tying the final wick together. Grabbing a small baggy from his side, he tore it open, before turning his attention to the objects within.

"That's a lie." Len shot back at his partner in crime.

"It's not Len's fault. I went into the garage against his orders." Eddie said, brushing some of the water from his face as Iris got to her feet wrapping the towel she was sitting on around his shoulders.

"See! Not my fault." Len stated as a buoy crashed into his leg, giving a grumble he rubbed at the spot on his leg.

"That's gotta hurt." Barry laughed as Len shot a glare at his soulmate.

"Somedays I hate you." Another buoy sent water spraying over Barry. The red lightning held the lead, but only a few steps behind was the yellow streak as it rushed to get speed on its speeding counterpart.

"Oh, this is going to be good." Iris laughed as Eddie gave her a curious look obviously confused by the whole thing.

"What's going to be good?" Cisco asked as he and Lisa made their way down to the lake. Lisa quickly laid out a towel beside Caitlin as Cisco walked along the dock to where Barry and Len were sitting.

"You'll see in about," Len started as the yellow streak caught up with the red and they rushed headfirst into the swamp. "3...2..," Len said as the streaks started to slow obviously hitting reeds and grasses that were cutting them up at such high speeds. "1." Jesse fell first as she overtook Wally, a surge of water flew into the air. Wally having been right beside Jesse lost his own footing crashed into the water, sending lilies and the grimy water every which way.

"What the hell!" Jesse screamed as she broke the surface. Treading water, she turned to glare at those on the dock and shore as Wally came up beside her gasping for air.

"What the fuck was that!" Wally shouted as Len grinned and Barry chuckled. Mick smirked from where he sat, as Iris suppressed a laugh and Caitlin covered her mouth. Harry shook his head as Joe smiled, taking a sip of his beer, Cisco shook with laughter and Eddie still stood there slightly confused.

"You trip wired me!" Jesse fumed as she started to swim towards the shore, pushing weeds out of her way. Barry got to his feet as he sped out on the water grabbing Jesse and bringing her back to shore before going to get his sibling.

"That was cruel guys." Wally snapped as he and Jesse grabbed towels that Barry offered.

"That was Barry's idea." Len pointed out as Barry stared at his boyfriend.

"No. No, it was not my idea." A glare came from the dripping wet speedsters in front of him. "Okay, it was a little my idea." Barry admitted as Jesse grabbed a strand of weed from her leg and threw it at Barry. The stringy green plant clung to his face as Len got to his feet and picked the gooey vegetation from his soul mates face.

"It was a little harmless fun."

"MICK!" Lisa screamed as a blue orb rolled down the hill beside her blue smoke escaping the ball. Lisa grabbed the ball throwing it back over to the fire starter who easily caught it before tossing it into the fire pit.

"No fun, Lis. Hey girly." Mick said, getting Jesse's attention and tossed her a small red box. She scanned the box over noticing it said SNAPS on the front of it. "You want to play with them go play on the road and wear shoes they hurt." Mick stated before tossing another box to Wally who easily caught it.

"And they are what?" Harry asked as he got to his feet.

"Snaps. You've never heard of them?" Len asked with a raised eyebrow. Jesse shook her head no as did Harry. Len clapped his hands together as Mick tossed another box to his partner. Opening the box, he yanked out the plastic bag and dumped the sawdust into his hand. Grabbing a single small white bundle no bigger than his fingernail he tossed it on the ground. A loud snap escaped the object as small rocks danced across the bare feet around where the firework hit.

"Gimmie." Wally shouted rushing up to Mick and grabbing four boxes before creating a streak of red to the front yard.

"Got anymore?" Jesse asked as she darted up beside Mick.

"Go nuts." Mick stated, handing her six boxes and she blurred after her boyfriend. Harry pushed past Barry and walked up the stone steps after his daughter.

"I'll make sure they don't kill each other." Harry said over his shoulder before disappearing around the house. Len shook his head before turning on his heels to fetch the buoys from the water. Kneeling down at the end of the dock, he grabbed the first of the buoys as Barry raised an eyebrow. Carefully, the speedster moved towards his boyfriend trying to be as quiet as a mouse, but it appeared that even being silent doesn't work with Len.

"You try to push me in and you're going to go flying off the dock with me." Len snapped as Lisa chuckled from her spot on the shore. Barry grumbled under his breath as he walked back to the end of the dock setting his cell phone down on the ground. "Don't yo-" Barry sprinted forward the electricity surging around him as he knocked Len into the water and barely caught himself on the edge of the dock. Barry's toes were over the edge and his arms were flailing as he tried to regain his balance.

Len broke the surface and wiped the water from his face before seeing his boyfriends predicament. Swimming over to the dock, he grabbed Barry's ankle and with a quick pull the speedster slammed into the water. Barry reemerged a few moments later gasping for air before a splash of water soaked him again.

"You are literally the worst." Len snapped as he swam towards the shore. Barry moved to the edge of the dock and tried to pull himself out of the water but to no avail. Len raised an eyebrow at his soulmate as Iris hid her laugh as she watched her adopted sibling struggling to get out of the water. Eddie shook his head from where he sat on the ground and Joe just sipped at his beer.

"It's going to be getting dark soon." Mick stated getting Len's attention.

"You're right. Barry get out of the water you can't mess with the fireworks if you're soaked." Len pointed out.

"Barry is dead." Barry muttered as he floated on his back. "Please leave a message after the beep."

"I don't think that's how being dead works." Cisco stated as he walked to the edge of the dock and helped Barry get up and out of the water. "Then again I wouldn't know." Cisco reasoned as Barry laughed.

"Come on Scarlet let's get these fireworks set and ready. We have half an hour until dark." Len said as he tossed his towel at Barry.
So coming to the end. It was a fun ride.

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