Chapter 2

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"So you coming tomorrow?" Joe asked as he walked up to the CSI lab where Barry was flipping through a file. He glanced up at the dark skinned man for a few seconds before returning to his writing.

"I'm coming." Barry stated.

"You know what I mean? Is your other half coming, along?" Joe questioned as Barry gave a small smirk. His family knew that he had found his soul mate. Barry stopped wearing short sleeve shirts around them. It was a way of keeping his family hidden from the relationship he had started.

There were even a few times, when he had caught Iris trying to get a peak at the mark. Only to send a glare at her to send her smiling before she darted away. Eddie has been just as curious. He tried time and time again to get Barry to remove his long sleeve shirt while the two as Eddie said 'hit something'. The man's own mark was visible on his wrist where a silver dove sat. It was small in comparison to Len's and his marks. Iris's blue star sitting on her wrist opposite Eddie's. As for Joe's mark, Barry had only ever seen it a few times. It was located on the man's shoulder blade. It had lost all its color, the once pink rose now matched Joe's dark skin.

"He hasn't decided yet." Barry admitted as he continued to write out the small tidbits of information he may have missed. The detective was silent as he put his hands on his hips staring down at Barry.

"Can't you persuade him or something like that? I mean you've known your soulmate for a year." Joe started as he grabbed the small red stress ball off the table. "I mean you should have a good amount of sway." Joe said as Barry stared up at his father.

"I'm not going to force him into something he doesn't want to do." Barry responded as he heard Julian give a small chuckle.

"You not forcing people to do something they don't want to do? I must be in a different world." Julian jested. Barry rolled his eyes as he glanced at his father for a few seconds as the detective leaned against the table.

"Come on Barr. Everyone is dying to meet him." Joe whispered as Barry smiled. He could only imagine what could happen. He understood Len's fear. Why would they be willing to allow a criminal who has kidnapped and tortured many of them to be among them? They wouldn't and it was a fear that Barry had as much as Len did.

"Yah, I know, but like I said. I'm not going to force him into something that makes him uncomfortable. If he wants to come, then he'll come. If he doesn't, I will have the lunch with you and take off afterwards to spend the evening with him." Barry informed. Joe huffed a breath before setting the stress ball down and getting up.

"Iris, Eddie, Caitlin, Cisco, Wally, Jesse, Harry, and I want to meet the guy. If you can convince him to come it would mean the world to us. Please, just try?" Joe asked as Barry stared up at him for a few seconds before taking a deep breath.

"I'll see what I can do." Barry muttered. "I can't promise anything though." Barry stated as Joe smiled down at his son before clasping his shoulder and walking off. Julian gazed at the younger CSI for a few moments before leaning a bit forward in his chair.

"Why don't you let them meet him?" Julian questioned catching Barry a bit off guard.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I'm annoyed that everyone keeps coming up here and asking you about it. That plus, after listening to it for so long. I'm kind of curious myself. Who in their right mind would want to be soulmates with a person like you?" Julian snapped as Barry gave a fake wince.

"Yah, like I'm going to tell you anything about my relationship. I mean you wouldn't tell me anything about your soul mate." Barry mumbled as he grabbed his cup off the table taking a drink of the warm tea. Julian stared at him for a moment before giving a grunt and rolling his eyes.

"Can't believe I'm doing this." He stated as he got to his feet and walked over to where Barry sat. Giving the Brit a curious look Julian undid the buttons on his wrist before rolling up the sleeve. Barry scanned the man's mark on his lower forearm for a few seconds, taking in the detail of the paintbrush and easel. "My soulmate loves to draw, and paint. Loves it, I mean, there are times when I can barely get her away from the easel." Julian admits as he pushes the sleeve down and rebuttons it. "There now you know about my soulmate."

"I'm not going to show you." Barry stated as he gets a glare from Julian.

"You disappoint me, Allen." Julian spits as Barry scrubs at his face, thinking.

"If I show you. You promise you won't tell anyone else." Barry mutters as Julian stops halfway to his desk.

"Not promising anything." Julian replies.

"Then, I'm not showing you." Barry laughs. Julian glances at the door a for a few moments before walking back over to where Barry is sitting in his chair.

"Whatever, deal." Julian snaps as he leans against the desk, so he is facing the doorway. Barry gets to his feet as Julian holds up his hand for a moment. "It isn't somewhere, that I should wipe from my memory after?" Barry rolls his eyes at the question.

"No, it's not. But just watch the door." Barry states as he starts undoing the top buttons on his shirt. Pulling his left arm out of the sleeve, he shows his arm to the crime scene investigator. Julian stares at his skin before pushing away from the table scanning the dark mark over.

"I've never seen a mark that covers that much of the arm before." Julian admits.

"My soulmates covers his entire arm, from shoulder to wrist." Barry states as he starts to pull his arm back into the shirt only to get another stop gesture.

"May I?" Julian asks as Barry allows the man to touch the mark. "I wrote my thesis paper about soul marks. I wrote about the science behind them and their whole concept. One of the few things I learned is how they aren't much more than a small image of the person's personality. They take up a small space, normally about the size of a phone and filled with color. Yours... it goes against everything I've ever learned about marks. You said your soulmate's covers his entire arm?" Julian questioned as Barry nodded. Julian scans the mark over taking notice of the slightly different colored pieces of it.

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know." Julian mutters. "What are these?" He gestures towards where the snowflakes normally sat. Barry chuckles at the gesture before turning and walking over to the sink. Flipping on the water, he waited for it to get cold as Julian watched him curiously. Splashing the mark with the freezing water, he turns to Julian. Showing the once dark mark as it started to glow blue with snowflakes. "Bloody hell." Julian states as he walks closer getting a better look at the mark.

"Yah, they only appear when I'm cold or the mark gets cold."

"Does your soul mate have a similar reaction?" Julian questioned as Barry wiped the water from his arm and thought for a few moments. The few times, Len's mark has glowed was if the electricity from Barry hits him. The mark itself would get almost electrified as it glowed yellow and seemed to make the air around them pop.

"Kind of, it's only ever happened one or twice. Still aren't sure what triggers it." Barry lies as he pulls his arm back into the sleeve and buttons his shirt.

"Now, I'm curious. Those marks aren't normal, I want to know more about it." Julian states as he runs back over to his work station.

"You really don't have to."

"But, I want to Allen. If your boyfriend is willing, I would like to see his mark. I mean after all maybe I can explain some questions that everyone has about them." Julian says as Barry raises an eyebrow. "Please." Julian whispers after a few moments.

"I'll see what I can do." Barry states as he rubs the back of his neck, uncertain of this whole situation.


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