Chapter 15

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The fire pit roared as the sun disappeared from sight, the cold chill of the night filled the air with the scent of the pine trees and ash. Len nursed his beer as Mick lit the sparkler that Jesse was holding. Wally spun the colored firework around as Jesse started to play with hers as well. Cisco cautiously moved towards the fountain firework as he flicked the lighter, catching the wick. Lisa called to him as he rushed back over to her and Caitlin as the firework sparked to life.

Joe leaned on the lawn chair as he stared out at the lake for a few seconds before gazing at where Iris and Eddie were curled up on a blanket. Barry trotted down from the house, a granola bar in his hand. Harry swatted at a mosquito that seemed very adamant at biting him. Sitting down in front of Len, Barry started to munch on the bar as he braced his back on Len's legs.

"How aren't they biting you guys?" Harry asked as Barry shrugged, taking another bite of the bar.

"Len's blood is too cold." Barry responded only to get a whack on the back of his head from his boyfriend. "Ow." Barry muttered before rubbing the spot as Len rolled his eyes taking another gulp of the alcohol.

"I can't believe you two are soulmates." Joe stated as Barry gave his adopted father a glare. "I don't mean it as a bad thing. It just surprised me." Joe admitted.

"It most certainly sounds like a bad thing." Len snapped as Barry gripped his leg trying to calm him down. Barry knew that Joe wasn't trying to irritate Len but it sort of happened more often than not. No matter what the man did even without saying it to his face, Len disliked him. Barry shook his head as he felt Len's could fingers dance against the back of his neck. A small smile crossed his lips before a ring echoed from the open window in the cabin.

"I'm so going to throw that phone in the lake." Len hissed as Barry got to his feet and flashed into the house. Grabbing the singing device he was back outside a few moments later. Julian's name flashed across the screen and giving a grumble the speedster answered.

"Julian, you do realize it is Easter?" A low grumble replied before Julian cleared his throat to speak.

"I'm aware Allen. I have a few questions." Julian started as Barry moaned.


"Yes, now! When did you get the mark?" Julian asked as Barry thought about it.

"About a year and a half ago now." Barry admitted as he saw Len raise an eyebrow at him. Shrugging, Barry turned to face away from the fire and the three sitting around it. The white house almost glowed from the firelight and the few fireworks that were sparking to life around it.

"Alright. What about the other speedsters and their soulmates? Do they have large marks too?" Julian questioned. Barry thought about it for a few moments, his attention snapping to Wally and Jesse. They were both speedsters and they didn't have any marks, they weren't soulmates. His mind wandered to Savitar, at the time not even the remnant had a soulmate mark.

"Caitlin?" Barry asked as he covered the speaker getting the doctor's attention. "Did Hunter Zolomon have a mark?" Caitlin thought for a few moments before shaking her head no. After she answered she turned her attention back to the firework that Lisa was showing her. Barry ran any other memory of anyone he was missing through his head.

"What's going on Scarlet?" Len questioned noticing the look on his boyfriends face. Confusion was scribbled across the speedsters features as he flashed over to Len. Thrusting the phone into his hands and sprinting out of the backyard and back to the city. "What the hell?" Len whispered before raising the phone to his own ear.

"Allen what's going on?" Julian asked as Len rolled his eyes.

"He took off looking rather confused. Once he returns we'll call you back." Len said before clicking the end call button. "Where the hell did he run off to?"

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