Chapter 4

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Len glanced at his phone as he read the address over once again. Sometimes, he really hated Barry. He stared up at the apartment complex in front of him as he leaned on the bike behind him before sending a text to his soulmate.

Cold: You're a speedster. How are you late?

Scarlet: Coming from the guy that counts everything down to the second.

Cold: Yes, however I am never late.

Scarlet: I'm only a minute away, be there in a Flash.

Cold: That was terrible. This is why I don't allow you to make puns.

Scarlet: Now that was just cold. :P

A flurry of wind soared around him as sparks of electricity seemed to surge off of Barry as he came to stop in front of Len. Barry smiled as he fixed his brown coat around himself before gesturing to head inside. Len rolled his eyes as he pulled at the parka, the goggles hanging around his neck.

"You're going to scare the crap out of him." Barry stated as they entered the old building. Len could already smell the old wood and scent of smoke as he removed his gloves, dropping them into the parka's pocket. Shaking his head, he gripped Barry's hand getting a reassuring squeeze in return. It smelt too much like his childhood for him to be fully comfortable, even with Barry present.

"That's the point." Len responded as they headed up the stairwell. Barry led them to the third floor before reading the text message on his phone over. Pushing open the door of the building seemed to brighten up a bit, the scent of smoke disappearing but the overwhelming scent of the wood still loomed.

"Three twenty six." Barry said as Len glanced at the rooms they walked past. A small tug and Len quickly snapped his attention back to his boyfriend as they walked down the hallway. They stopped in front of a simple wooden door and Barry slipped his phone into his pocket before knocking. Len started counting, it was his habit. His fingers interlaced with Barry as he counted his pointer finger tapping against Barry's knuckle as he kept track. Scanning the hallway, Len easily found a few ways out of the building. Another set of stairs and elevator sat at the other end of the hallway. A large picture window looked over the street, he now understood why Barry had them meet out the back of the building.

Barry rapped on the door again as Len hit one minute and forty seconds. Len gave his soulmate a once over, before gazing down the hallway making sure no one was coming.

"Is he even here?" Len asked as Barry knocked again.

"I'll be right there." A voice echoed from in the apartment. Len felt his muscles tense as his grip tightened on Barry's hand. Running his thumb over Lens knuckles Barry tried to relax his boyfriend. The door swung open thirty two seconds later. Julian stared at the two men for a moment as his face went serious rather quickly.

"Barry?" Julian questioned.

"Can we get out of the hall?" Len snapped as Barry gave a small nod. Julian hesitated for a few moments before stepping backwards allowing the two men inside. Len shut the door behind them as Julian watched them for a few seconds.

"You didn't mention, your soulmate is a criminal. You just-" Julian stated. Len's left hand shot up causing Julian to stop mid sentence.

"Technically there is nothing against me. So I'm not a criminal." Len responded as he pulled his right hand from Barry's grip and rested his hand on the handle of the cold gun.

"Allen, I-"

"You wanted him here. I got him here, Julian. So let's start this, so we can get out of your hair faster." Barry snapped as Julian fell silent. Huffing a breath, Julian ran a hand through his blond hair messing it up as pieces fell into his face.

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