Chapter 5

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Barry stretched as he rolled over, expecting to feel a warm body next to him or at least an arm around him. His right hand felt around the bed, searching for the person who normally occupied that space. Barry's eyes shot open as he stared at the empty bed, and sat up gazing around the room. The door to the bedroom was slightly ajar and the scent of coffee filled his nostrils. Getting out of the tangle of covers, he pulled on a pair of sweatpants. He padded into the kitchen. Barry noticed Len was sitting at the table his mark visible and his feet kicked up on the other chair. His grey shirt was darker than Barry knew it was and a thin layer of sweat covered the man's skin.

"You slept late." Len commented as he bit into the piece of toast in front him. Barry glanced at the microwave that sat beside the Keurig and huffed a breath. It wasn't even eight, and of course Len was up.

"We don't have to be to Joe's until one." Barry muttered as he walked over to the Keurig and grabbed the pod before popping it in. "How was your workout?" Barry asked, noticing the shoes that lay beside the door as Len took another bite of toast.

"Good. You should workout too, I mean not like you need it or anything." Barry chuckled at the statement as he filled the water up before putting his mug under the machine.

"I can work out with you. You just have to wake me up." Len laughed.

"What time did you even get home?" Len asked as Barry shrugged. He was still a bit sore from fighting that new meta last night. He was thankful for his healing ability. Otherwise Len would have flipped when he saw the bruises that littered his chest, stomach and back.

"Like three I think." Barry answered.

"More like three forty one." Barry sent a glare at his soulmate as the man smirked.

"Why'd you even ask, if you already knew?" Barry questioned as the mug finished filling and he took a whiff of the liquid allowing the heat to fill his body.

"Just wanted to see if you remembered." Len stated as Barry rolled his eyes. "Also your bruises said you needed the rest." Barry froze as he winced glancing at Len from behind the mug. He wished to go hide under the covers again at the look his boyfriend shot him.

"When did they fade?" Barry asked almost afraid of the answer.

"Sometime around six thirty seven." Len commented as Barry gave him a soft smile. "You know if you needed help. You can always call." Len said as Barry took a sip of the warm liquid.

"I know. I just didn't want to bother you." Barry started.

"You could never bother me, Scarlet. I would gladly get up at an ungodly hour to make sure you make it home safe." Len whispered as there a flurry of movement. Barry was suddenly in front of him and their lips crashed together.

"I love you. You know that right." Barry said as they pulled apart after a bit to get air.

"I know." Len responded as he pulled Barry towards him as the younger man straddled him. A faint buzz cut through the intimate moment and Len growled as Barry pulled away.

"Sorry..." Barry muttered as he blurred to the other room and returned a few seconds later with his phone. "It's Julian." Barry stated.

"What's he saying?" Len questioned as he pulled his legs off the chair and grabbed his own phone.

"He wants us to come over. He thinks he found something." Barry beamed as Len got to his feet and grabbed Barry's wrist. "Where are we going?"

"We need to shower." Len stated as he smiled at Barry, phone and message forgotten.


Here's the next part guys. Hope you enjoy.

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