Chapter 3

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"You... You want us to do what?" Len questions as he puts the cell phone to his right shoulder as he walks down the hall out of the bedroom. His black leather jacket in his left hand as he stops in the kitchen.

"I mean if it will tell us about our marks and why they are so different. I don't see any harm in it." Barry states as he walks to the deli down the street from the station.

"Barry you want me to go visit the guy, who you hate by the way, so he can look at our marks." Len snaps trying to comprehend what his boyfriend was asking of him. Rubbing a hand over his face he stares across the safehouse scanning his stolen items over. He gazes around the kitchen once more making sure everything was in its place.

"It wouldn't be just you. It would be both of us. Len if he can figure out why are marks are so vastly different from anyone else we've met, that helps us. Doesn't it?" Barry asks. He pushes open the deli's door hearing the small bell ding. A few people are waiting in line as Barry walks to the corner making sure no one can hear their conversation. The scent of the sandwiches filling the air making Barry's mouth start to water.

"Barry, I don't even know if we can trust this guy. Like you said he's an annoying as-"

"Language." Barry heard a growl from the other end of the phone.  Len sets the jacket down on the table. Grabbing the cold gun holster from the counter he straps it to his right leg.

"You know what I mean. How can we possible trust him?" Len asked.

"I read his paper. He's as good as anyone else is when it comes to soul marks. I think we should give him a chance and if it doesn't work out..." Barry glances around the deli before turning to whisper into the phone. "If it doesn't work, I give you permission to ice him." Len raises an eyebrow at the statement.

"What happened to the no killing, Scarlet?" Len questions as he puts the cold gun in its holster. Before grabbing the phone with his right hand. "Also is this some type of set up?"

"What no! I would ne-"

"A setup so that we can test the waters. If your pal doesn't shoot me on sight, it might mean maybe your family won't either." Len stated as Barry thought about the statement. Len scanned the room taking note of where his helmet was before reading the clock on the microwave. "Tick tock, Scarlet. I also have a job, to do."

"You don't work."

"Stealing is work." Len responded as he heard Barry snicker. A small smile crossed Len's lips before he grabbed the bike keys from the bowl and black helmet off the coffee table in the living room. Pulling on his jacket, he shifted his phone before heading towards the door. "I trust you, Barry. If you think this is safe, then I trust you. But keep in mind, I'm still bringing the cold gun." Len informed as he heard Barry shift on the other end of the phone as the younger man thought.

"I do think it is safe. I'll text you with an address later. Be safe, Len."

"I do try, no matter what you may think." Len grinned.

"Love you, Len."

"Love you too, Scarlet." Len said before hanging up the phone and heading out the door.


Hey guys sorry for the late update, but I hope you enjoy. 

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