Chapter 9

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After the meal, Barry and Len were pulling on their coats getting ready to take off when Iris approached them.

"You two don't have to leave right away." Iris stated as Eddie stood behind her. "It's Len's first holiday with everyone. I mean we don't really know all that much about him." A faint laugh came from Joe who sat in the living room, he was still glaring at the criminal.

"Maybe next time, Iris. I think that this went better than we thought. Let's leave it for now." Barry muttered as he hugged his sister.

"But, Barry this is-"

"Iris, I'm sorry. It's fine, really its fine. We have plans for tonight." Barry interrupted as Len smirked. He knew keeping Lisa and Mick would not be good in the long run. The two were already unstable and if their sane half wasn't there, god only knows what could happen.

"Plans?" Eddie questioned.

"With my family." Len grudgingly admitted. Wally glanced at them as he got to his feet stretching as he did.

"If it's your family, Len. Shouldn't the rest of us meet them?" Wally asked. "I mean you two are soulmates after all." Barry glanced at Len who gave the younger man an annoyed look. Jesse held Wally's hand as she got to her feet with excitement.

"I like that idea." Jesse smiled. "Let's go."

"I agree with Wally." Iris said as Barry stared at Len in bewilderment waiting for a response.

"I...I guess... goddammit... I can ask...goddammit... Is this really important to you?" Len asked Barry.

"Well it is my family. It's Easter it's going to be great. It's good that they get to know each other."

"Goddammit... You do remember that Mick is going to be there, right?" Len questioned.

"For all we know this may become a tradition and we become one big family." Barry grinned getting Len roll his eyes and growl under his breath. "What did you say?"

"Nothing, everything is just peachy." Len stated as he pulled out his phone and texted Lisa.

Lisa: U still coming?

Len: Yes, we are still coming. However, we seem to be bringing an entourage.

Lisa: Wut?

Len: Barry wants to bring his family.

Lisa: WTF!

Len: I'm ignoring the fact that you said that. The question is, do we have enough with about ten more people.

Lisa: Wut? Why sooo many peps?

Len: Family, I guess.

Lisa: Wonder wut that like? Should have enough

Len: Good, and please try to text like a normal human for once.

Lisa: FU

"Lisa's fine with it." Len stated slipping his phone into his pocket.

"What about Mick?" Barry asked.

"I'll watch Mick." Len replied.

"What exactly are we doing?" Joe asked. Wally grabbed his car keys only to have Harry snatch them away. Len shrugged at the question as he slipped on his leather jacket.

"You'll see when we get there. It's a bit of a drive, and we want to get there before they start without us. We'll lead." Barry said. Iris grabbed her own coat and Eddie his keys.

"This isn't smart." Cisco stated as he followed Caitlin as she gathered her things.

"Don't worry, it'll be fun and they are pretty low key when it comes to holidays." Barry commented as Len rolled his eyes dragging his boyfriend out the door. Joe growled following after the group with Harry on his heels.

"This isn't a good idea, Joe." Harry muttered.

"You act like I don't know that, but I'm not going to let my kids go with a bunch of criminals alone." Joe stated as he opened the backseat to Eddie's car as Harry went to the otherside. Len pulled on his helmet before he glanced at the two cars that pulled out of the driveway. Barry slipped his helmet on before straddling the seat and wrapping his arms around Len's stomach.

"You wanted this." Len said as he glanced at Barry who could only smile in response. Smacking the visor down he pulled himself closer to Len, getting his boyfriend to smile before kicking up the stand.
Hey guys sorry that it took so long to update. It's been really hectic so I've been super busy. But the rest of the story should be up soon enough.

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