Chapter 10

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They pulled up to an old cabin, the white paint was new and a green balcony snaked around the left side of the house to the back. A small white gazebo sat on the edge of the lake, logs were stacked up to the side of the building. A gold and black Ducati sat on the gravel road beside a red Harley in front of the house. Len pulled up beside the two bikes as he kicked the stand down, allowing Barry off. Caitlin pulled her car up right behind the three bikes as Eddie parked beside her.

"What is this place?" Iris asked as she got out with her father and Harry.

"Our vacation spot." Len admitted after pulling off his helmet. Getting off the bike he gestured for the group to wait for him as he walked up the steps and into the house. Lisa left the bedroom, she was in meeting her brother in the kitchen. Mick was sitting at the kitchen table, and he downs the rest of his beer, his feet kicked up on a chair opposite him.

"You brought cops, Snart." Mick growls as Len rolls his eyes at the statement.

"We need to talk. There has to be rules." Lisa glares at her brother as he looked at her, before crossing his arms.

"What fun are you Lenny." Lisa snaps.

"I don't need anyone killed, maimed or robbed. Is that perfectly understood?" Len stated as Mick grunts before setting the empty beer bottle down. "And no flames near these people. They have their guns and I would prefer not to bury you in the backyard. So no burning unless, I say so." Mick hisses something under his breath as Len's hand instinctively goes to where his cold gun normally hung. Realizing it wasn't there, he flexed his hand itching for a weapon, but knew well he didn't have one.

"Missing something, boss."  Mick states as he raises an eyebrow at the man across from him.

"Behave and we won't have a problem." Len ordered before turning on his heels and opening the screen door. Lisa slips under his arm as she makes her way down the porch. Pulling her black jacket off, she tied it around her waist allowing her gold shirt to show. Smiling she jumped down the five steps, before walking over to the group. Her black boots kicking up the gravel as she walked. Len was not far behind her as she stopped beside Barry.

"Hey Cisco long time no see." Lisa said as she batted her eyes. Cisco turned red as he rubbed at the back of his neck. As Len, Barry and Lisa guided the group to the back of the property.  There was a green and a white gazebo to the right side of the house. A small hill separated the house from the pressed wood dock. A fire pit sat a bit away from the back porch of the house.

"So we have enough food in the house and gazebo like always. I'm assuming they didn't bring any swimsuits or anything of that nature. We do have extras because Len is always prepared for everything." Lisa stated with a smile. A clatter came from the back door as Mick glanced at the group of people before shaking his head.  Walking down the steps he headed over to the fire pit, threw logs on the pile and started crumpling up old newspaper before placing it amongst the logs.

"If you want, like Lisa said we have extra suits. I already have one of mine here." Barry admitted as he rushed into the house and reappearing holding his swimming trunks. "Also there is food in the gazebo and the house. But Lisa already said that." Lisa gave Barry a soft smile.

"I think we can take care of the food." Iris said, gesturing towards Caitlin, who smiled before following the dark skinned woman inside the house.

"Jesse?" Wally asked, getting his girlfriend's attention. "How about a race? I mean we have the space." Wally pointed towards the lake. Jesse raised an eyebrow at the statement before giving a small nod.

"We can make that more interesting." Len admitted as he glanced at Barry, who disappeared in a crackle of electricity. Coming to a halt Barry stopped holding a red and yellow ball about the size of a basketball. They were able to float on the water without being blown away by the wind.

"What are-" Harry started.

"These," Len cut Harry off, "are floating marker buoys."

"Why do you have those?" Harry asked.

"Barry likes to run." Mick answered without bothering to gaze at the group of people. "The kid thinks it's funny to create a tidal wave to hit the rest of us on the shore." Len smirked as Barry glared at Mick's back.

"You stop you fall." Barry admitted, turning back to the two other speedsters, "Also the marsh will cut you up if you are going to fast so I'm going to drop two buoys there." Wally laughed as he glanced at Jesse.


"Upstairs bedroom on the right. Trunks are in the top drawer of the dresser as well as bikinis, one pieces, and tankinis." Len stated as Jesse raised an eyebrow at the criminal. "What? Lisa made me buy them."  The two teenagers zipped past them and into the house. Len grabbed the two buoys from Barry heading towards the dock with Harry. Barry disappeared going to retrieve more buoys. Lisa smiled and walked over to Cisco her fingernails grazing his arm.

"Cisco how about we go for a walk?" Lisa whispered as Cisco's face reddened even more before he nodded quickly. Lisa smiled her right hand slipping into his left as she guided him down the gravel driveway, so they could go walk along the road.

Joe turned, grabbing Eddie's arm, stopping him from going to go join his fiancee.

"This has to be one of their safe houses. I want you to go scope it out."

"Wait, why me?" Eddie asked.

"It'll be suspicious if I disappear, besides I will keep them busy. They won't notice if you go now, they will think you're changing." Joe insisted. "Just don't get caught." Joe stated as Eddie released a breath before giving a nod and heading in the direction Iris had gone. Joe walked over to the fire pit and grabbed a fold up chair setting it up on the other side of the pit from Mick.

"There's beer in the gazebo." Mick muttered.

"I'm alright." Joe admitted.

"Wasn't for you."
Here is the next chapter guys. Hope you are enjoying!

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