Chapter 13

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"You wanted to talk?" Cisco asked as he followed Lisa on the street. Kicking a rock with his shoe, he gazed down at their entwined hands. He had wished for a mark there by now, but even his luck was almost nonexistent in this situation.

"You alright, sweetie?" Lisa questioned noticing the engineer staring at their interlocked hands. "You want there to be a mark huh... Don't worry, I did too." Lisa admitted getting Cisco's eyes to snap to hers.

"Do you have... I mean, do you-" Cisco started.

"No I don't have a mark yet." Lisa stated as she smiled at him. It wasn't uncommon for people to date and often marry those who weren't their marks. Some were lucky enough to meet their marks while others would never even see them.

Lisa kicked at a stone as they moved down the rough road. Cracks littered the road, gravel having been thrown into holes to try to lessen the bumps. Trees hung over the stretch lane cloaking it in a dim shadow, streaks of golden light broke through the branches and leaves.

"You?" Lisa asked as Cisco shook his head no. "Good because if you did. I think we would have to talk about this." Lisa said, gesturing with her head towards their linked hands.

"I mean do you still want to talk about it?" Cisco questioned as Lisa thought.

"You work for a hero Cisco. I don't think I'll ever be able to give up my life. God it's dangerous enough for Lenny to even have a soul mate."

"I can handle myself Lisa. I made the cold and gold gun, I know how to handle situations. That plus I do have my own powers now." Cisco responded.

"Yes, you are an amazing engineer Cisco but... I understand that you can handle yourself. It's just a worry. Let a girl worry." Lisa muttered as her fingers drummed against his knuckles.

"Your brothers going to kill me if we... You know..." Cisco stated his face going red once more as he thought about it. Lisa stopped causing Cisco to halt as well. Giving a small smirk the woman stepped closer to him, making little to no room between the two. Her eyes locking on his as she leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

"What he doesn't know won't kill him." Lisa teased as Cisco's face went even redder.

"I mean it won't kill him, but it might kill me." Cisco joked as Lisa smiled pulling away from the engineer a bit. Brushing a strand of her brown hair out of her face, she leaned forward brushing her lips with his. He melted into her before she pulled away a few seconds later and pulled her hand from his.

"Keep up Cisco." Lisa laughed before turning on her heels and running down the road. Cisco smiled before chasing after the thief as he called out for her to slow down. A quick flick of his hand a blue and white portal flew open in front of him before he jumped into it. Disappearing with ease causing Lisa to stop, gazing back where the meta-human was a few moments ago.

"Cisco?" She heard a whoosh behind her as arms wrapped around her.

"Gotcha." Cisco laughed as the portal behind him disappeared.

"That's not fair. You can't use your powers." Lisa chuckled as he kissed her cheek.

"I'm a meta-human. It's not fair if I don't use them." CIsco laughed as Lisa slipped from his arms. Twisting her fingers into his she twirled getting the superhero to smile. "Barry isn't the only one with superpowers." Cisco teased as Lisa smirked. "I can handle myself, you don't have to worry."

"I know." Lisa whispered before spinning back into Cisco's arms. Kissing him lightly on the lips, she hooked her arms around his shoulders.

"Mmmhmm.." A voice broke the two as they pulled apart a bit and gazed in the direction of the voice. Lisa quickly pushed herself from Cisco noticing the little boy and girl staring at them. Fixing her shirt, she took Cisco's hands.

"Umm... hi...."

"Are you a superhero?" The little boy asked his eyes sparkling with excitement as his little sister held tight to his hands. Lisa glanced at Cisco for a few seconds as the man stepped towards them.

"Yes I am, but you can't tell anyone alright. We don't want the bad guys to know who I am. That would be very bad." Cisco said as the little boy and girl nodded. "How about you two run back to your house," he pointed down the driveway behind them, "and forget this happened." Cisco suggested as the two nodded before turning and rushing down the driveway.

"Come on." Lisa stated taking CIsco's hand and they headed back to the house. "That could have been a lot worse."

"They're kids. Let them know a little secret." Cisco laughed as they turned, heading down the gravel driveway only to see Eddie rushing out of the garage and throwing off his coat.

"You alright Eddie?" Cisco asked as he and Lisa walked down the driveway towards him.

"B...bats." Eddie stuttered as Lisa looked at where the detective pointed towards the garage.

"Why'd you go in there? Lenny says not to mess with the garage for that specific reason. I still don't know why he even rents this place with all those bats." Lisa stated as Eddie froze.

"He rents this place?"

"Yeah, he does in the summer and we come out for the holidays. Something wrong?" Lisa asked as Eddie stared at her dumbfounded.

"No nothing is wrong." Eddie admitted.

"Come on buddy let's go by the others." Cisco stated as he clasped Eddie on the shoulder and he headed towards the house. Eddie stood there frozen, thinking everything over as Lisa stepped closer to him.

"Let me guess, you were looking for something to arrest us on." Lisa asked but Eddie didn't respond. Lisa chuckled as she brushed a few strands of her hair from her face. "We don't bring anything out here. So look all you want, you aren't going to find anything." Lisa whispered before following Cisco up the steps and to the front door of the house.

"I'm going into the lake." Eddie stated as he touched some of his hair discovering guano on his hand.

"In your clothes?" Cisco asked as Eddie trudged off towards where the others were in the backyard. Lisa shrugged, walking past the engineer, and into the living room.

"I have something I want to show you." Lisa whispered, "I will be right back." She rushed upstairs leaving a slightly stunned Cisco downstairs. Checking on the weapons she replaces the board and carpet before changing into a white bikini, with gold ring accents. She quickly tied to the straps and rushed down the stairs, getting the engineer to go beet red.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Cisco expressed as Lisa smiled before moving closer to him.

"I hoped you would like it." Lisa purred as she kissed him.
Here is the next chapter guys. Sorry I've been super busy, you know being an adult and stuff now that I graduated.

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