Chapter 6

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Barry wrapped his arms around Len's stomach tightly as they turned the corner to the apartment where Julian lived. It was eleven in the morning by the time the two got off the motorcycle and made their way towards the apartment. Len's cold gun was nowhere to be seen as he twisted his fingers into Barry's. Julian glanced up at Barry and Len as they entered his apartment building. He sat in the lobby in a nearby chair waiting for them his laptop on his lap. Shutting the computer he got to his feet, and walked over to the two.

"You said you wanted us to swing by." Barry stated as Julian gave a small nod.

"Yes, I did. I wanted to ask you a few questions, Barry. You said that you were taken care of in S.T.A.R. labs, correct?" Julian asked as Barry nodded. Barry glanced at Len as he felt the older man's grip tighten.

"Can we do this upstairs or outside, Len doesn't like the smell of smoke hanging in the air." Barry said as Julian raised an eyebrow before glancing at the criminal. Julian gestured for them to follow him as he headed up to his apartment. Unlocking the door, Julian allowed the two men inside as Len sat down in the closest chair.

"You were saved by the man who killed your mother, Dr. Harrison Wells?" Julian questioned.

"Yah, where are you going with this?" Barry asked as he glanced at Len who was watching the two intently. Barry took a step between the two men, creating a barrier. If something were to happen, because it most certainly felt like something would. He may be able to block his boyfriend from killing his coworker.

"Just one more question. You are still friends with the workers at S.T.A.R. labs, and you know a lot more about the crime scenes then you should. I've read the files you've written, you shouldn't be able to put that much detail into something you weren't there to witness." Julian stated as Len leaned forward more in the chair. His eyes were locked on the blond as he studied him like a predator hunting its prey.

"What are you getting at?" Barry coaxed as he put a hand up trying to stop Len. Truly it was for  show, he knew stopping Len would actually take much more force or a direct threat.

"You're 'The Flash'. It makes sense now. Len's mark, it reacts when electricity touches him. That's what happened yesterday, isn't it? You must have sent electricity through him and the mark reacted. That's why Len's mark covers his whole arm. Your marks show how powerful you two are as individuals. Allen your mark reacts to cold, much like the cold gun Len uses. Len's mark reacts to your electricity, the power you conduct when you run. It makes perfect sense, now." Julian blurted as Len got to his feet and Barry stepped closer to his boyfriend. He knew that he was the only thing currently keeping Julian alive, so he couldn't back down. Len was an intimidating man. One you shouldn't mess around with and Barry was one of the few who was willing to go toe to toe with him. Yet even he knew there was only so much he could do to stop his soul mate.

"I told you this wasn't a good idea. He knows you're him, what if he goes around telling people." Len growls as small sparks of electricity surge off Barry. A warning for Len but for Barry it was a small spark of fear. When his instincts of fight or flight would kick in, his body would start to prepare in case he needed to run.

"He won't tell anyone. Right, Julian." Barry said as he focused on the Brit waiting for a response. The man's face that a few seconds ago held excitement now realized that he may have overplayed his hand and he maybe in trouble.

"Of course... of course I won't tell anyone. I'm not stupid, I don't want to get killed by you or any of your Rogues." Julian stuttered as Len stared the man down.

"I don't trust him." Len hissed. Barry released his breath as the tension in the room lowered a bit.

"But you trust me, right Len? Julian promises he won't tell anybody, because if he does, he will have to deal with you. I don't think anyone is foolish enough to do that." Barry whispers as he glanced at Julian who gave a small nod. Len continued to glare at Julian before taking Barry's hand.

"Just be aware if you step out of line even once, there won't be a second chance." Len responded as Barry kissed him. Len smirked as he pulled Barry closer. "So we are both two very powerful people, bound together. I get that right?" Julian nodded. "Your theory doesn't make sense, there are plenty of others just like us. Similar powers, yet their marks aren't like ours. I mean I don't even have powers." Len stated as Julian froze thinking about what Len said.

"Looks like I have more research to do." Julian cursed before grabbing his laptop. "You can leave if you want." Julian said with a wave as Barry chuckled.

"Let's go." Len stated as sparks pulsed around them and they disappeared in a blur. The wind kicked up for a few seconds before the door opened and closed leaving Julian alone.

"I'm not going to get used to that." Julian muttered.


Here's the next part guys. Thank you all for everything and Dragon_Master_golden. Thank you for getting my attention back. I haven't really been into it lately so here's the next part for you. Have an amazing day guys.

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