Chapter 8

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Everyone sat in silence as they ate, the awkwardness a bit unbearable for Len but he wasn't going to be the first to speak. Barry glanced at him, giving him a small smile as Len rolled his eyes at his boyfriend.

"Can we talk or is that against the rules?" Jesse asked getting the group of people to shift their attention from the meal to her. "Alright, since you're all staring at me. I guess I'll ask the first question. Len how did you meet Barry?" Jesse questioned.

"I.. uh... tried to freeze him alive because he stopped me from stealing the Kahndaq Dynasty Diamond. I realized that Barry wasn't just a myth, he was a complication I would have to deal with. So I used my connections to get a weapon and I ended up getting the cold gun. I was as prepared as I could be for my next encounter with The Streak." Len stated as Jesse nodded before taking a bite of her salad.

"I was there too and you almost killed Barry and I." Joe muttered as he cut into his piece of chicken before sending a glare to Len. "It wasn't as innocent as you make it sound. You did kill someone." Len bit his lip before grabbing at the bread on his plate.

"Some people are in the wrong places at the wrong time and and unfortunately get caught in the crossfire."

"How did you two find out you were soulmates?" Wally asked. Len glanced at Barry who shrugged picking up where his boyfriend obviously was not going to go.

"Actually, Len snuck into..." Barry hesitated for a few seconds looking at the startled faces around him. Softly he said "He snuck into the house and he woke me up. We both knew something was wrong after running into each other earlier in the day we both started getting-"


"Right symptoms...of each other?" Barry said looking at Len for help as the criminal thought for a few moments.

"What kind of symptoms?" Joe asked.

"Well, my right arm felt like it was burning like it was being electrocuted. The skin on my arm started to carve out a scar that runs from my shoulder to my wrist and it glowed a faint red. When I moved my arm at all it would send ripples of pain through me." Len stated as Barry put in his part.

"My entire body was freezing cold, my skin didn't change or anything but I was just so cold I didn't really look for a mark. Similarly whenever I moved my left arm it was like frost running up my arm and it only stopped once we actually had skin on skin contact." Barry added.

"Wait you didn't have skin on skin contact before that point?" Harry asked.

"No, we didn't have skin on skin contact. After talking to Len we went to the lab so we wouldn't wake Joe." Barry said.

"You didn't... do it... in the lab?" Cisco asked as Len smirked and Barry to blanch.

"What? Oh god no. No, we just shook hands. We had a lot to figure out and we needed to come to terms with a lot of things without worrying about waking Joe up." Barry stated.

"Couldn't imagine why." Joe snapped as Barry stared at his father figure for a few seconds before returning his attention to his food.

"Barry?" Iris asked, getting her adoptive brothers attention. "Did you tell him?" Iris asked with a slight eyebrow raise getting the rest of the group to look up in unabashed curiosity.

"Who... Oh..." Barry said realizing who she was talking about. He smiled slightly at the memory of the encounter with the Starling vigilante. "Yah, we told him."

"You talking about Oliver?" Len questioned getting the woman's eyes to snap to him. "Yah, we told him. Probably not the best way to tell a guy who is literally one of the scariest vigilanties. But blame Barry for that one." Barry laughed at his boyfriends response.

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