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Luke POV
"Luke" I turn around to see Maggie running towards me. I can't believe it, I just need some alone time.

"What do you want?" I say a little more irritated than I actually am.

"Umm... about what Leia said, about me liking you. It isn't true. So can we still be friends."  She pleads.

"Sure"' I need a friend like Maggie, but I don't know if she can replace Leia.

"Thank you, thank you..." She grabs me and give meh the biggest hug, " I was so worried I would lose you, as a friend."

Maggie POV
My plan is simple, divide and conquer. What better way than to start from the beginning. I'll get closer while Leia gets farther. I'm happy Luke doesn't like Leia, it mean I have a growing chance.

"Do you want to talk about it." I say sincerely.

"No... wait, yes actually, how long has Leia liked me?"

"From the moment you guys met."

"Really, how come I didn't notice."

"Everyone noticed. No offence but you are the most dense person here." I realise my mistake. " Of course I mean that in the nicest way."

He chuckles and looks at me. " Thanks Maggie your a really great friend." BINGO Maggie 1 Leia 0.

Luke POV
"I think I overreacted, I'm going to talk to Leia, and apologies." I stand to leave but feel an arm on my shoulder.

"NO!!... I mean no, that what she wants you to think." She continues " look I've known her for not a long time but I'm also a girl and know when I'm want to be left alone."

"What should I do then" Maggie's right, space is what Leia needs.

"Ignore her, make it seem that your not interested in her, give her the silent treatment. I promise you it will seem wrong but she will feel like you respect her privacy. Even though she wants to talk, just brush it off." She stands and puts her arms orotund me. I feel really awkward in this position.

"Ummm... what are you doing."

"I'm teaching you how to act when, you finally have a girlfriend."

Maggie POV
I'm such a genius, I can 'help' Luke prepare for a real girlfriend while helping myself to a real boyfriend. And ohhh... Leia face will be so priceless. I feel bad, but if this works, what can I say. I was just the better pick.

"What do you mean when I have a girlfriend."

I sit down back in my chair, while motioning him to accompany me. "Ok, lets start off easy. Who do you have a crush on... I mean for real, not a joke." I have obviously made him uncomfortable, because he shifted in his seat. This is gonna take some time. "Well.." I prompt.

"Why do you want to know?"

"If I'm going to help you get her..." I flutter my eyelashes at him, and smirk, which surprisingly makes him laugh. I though a blush would have sufficed but laughings good as well, right?

"Ok... are you ready?"

"Yeh... shoot"

"I lied..." He seems to be nervous.

"Ugghh... just spill it already!" I voice my thoughts outbound unknowingly. "Sorry, as you were saying."

"Um, yeh, ok, it's... " Why must he be so shy. Who is she? Is it me? Oh please let it be me? "Forget it, she already told me she doesn't like me, so why bother, i might as well give up." No,no,no,no,no, he can't give up. He said this particular girl told him he didn't like him that way. I told him that. It's me, the girl he likes is me. YESSS!!!

"Wait, you can't give up, I'm sure you can get her back. Maybe she said those things because she didn't want you to know she had feelings as well."

"Maggie this girl..uhhh... she told, me she liked me, but took it back because I didn't say it back." He couldn't meet my eyes. Of course he's talking about me, pshh I mean who else is he talking about.

I put on my most sincere face and hug him, " you never know, she might like you yet, but how will you ever know if you don't say it."

He smiles and hugged me back "thanks Maggie, what would I do without you."

I pull away from him and look into his eyes, he looks into mine. Oh my gosh, this is such a magical moment, nothing can spoil this.

I slowly lean in...

More Than A Friend (lost and found Lukeia)Where stories live. Discover now