Keeping Distant

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Luke POV
It has been 6 months since a Maggie and I got together. She is something else. Leia and I are back to being friends, and she and Dom are not dating. She vowed to focus on her music, which is paying off. Leia is the most beautifully talented girls in the studio. I never actually realized how great Maggie is. We hang out and I really like her. Things could have been better between Leia and I, but things are in a good spot right now. Dom is dating Rachel, and they seem to be happy. I'm not really sure how Leia broke it off with him, but she's keeping her promise. I can't say I don't miss her. She's always busy with work and music and school, no one sees her anymore. I miss her. We all do. I feel someone coming up behind me, I get ready to run, when I here her voice, as she covered my eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Maggie, how are you."

"How did you know?" I step behind her and put my arms around her.

"Your voice is so beautiful, there is none compared." She playfully slaps me away, and giggles. "So how have you been?"

"Great", she slips her hand into mine, and I kiss her hand. "I'm so happy Luke."


"My life has never been this good. I have the best boyfriend ever."

"Is that so."

"I don't want this feeling to end." We enter the studio, to see everyone standing waiting for Mr. T to speak.

"Good morning everyone, today we are going to be cleaning the studio. Before you say anything, I would just like to say, you have no choice, complaining will double your load. I've grouped you into pairs or trios, depending on the task."

Great we're cleaning. What a great way to start the day.

"The groups are, Now I pair you guys with similar capabilities, Dom, Theo and John, recording room...." I wait to hear my name paired with Maggie's, I can't wait. There's only four people left, and obviously Leia and a Rachel will get to be partners. I start guiding Maggie to the front to get out check list when Mr. T calls out. " Rachel and Maggie, green room, and Luke and Leia, supplies cupboard." My smile instantly fads. Why Leia? I look around for her, but I can't seem to find her. Out of the corner of my eye I see her walk into the studio, with a bunch of books and a guitar. She started playing a while ago. And she's not half bad. Maggie squeezes my hand and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Bye, babe. I'll see you later." She leans to give me a kiss and whispers, " I trust you." Maggie leaves to go and join a Rachel. They head to the green room.

"Hey Leia." She looks up startled.

"Oh hi Luke, how are you?" She struggles to put her things down so I go and help her.

"Not to bad. Should we get started." She looks at me and smiles. "Yeh, ok let's go." We head down to the supplies storeroom, and enter it. It's messier than I thought. We might be here for a while. "So where should we start." I turn to face Leia, she looks exhausted.

"Over here." I walk over to a stack of CD's and demos recordings. She follows me and we start sorting through the. She makes me feel comfortable. I can't help myself, but relax. I don't have the same feelings for her, but you can never forget your first love.

We continue going through the room, organizing and rearranging things. We were half way done, when we decided to take a break. " Hey, Leia?"

"Hmm" she's laying back on an armchair, that we found stuffed at the back, this place turned out to be huge, but filled with junk.

"You seem really busy, and exhausted are you ok?"

"Yeh. Why do you ask?"

" I'm really worried, Your hardly here, your double booking. Maybe you just need to take it slowly."

"Luke, I'm fine. How are you and Maggie?"

"Don't change the subject." I walk over to sit next to her " How's school?"

"As good as it can get. Did you know Maggie texted me last night."

"Leia. Stop!" At this point I was exasperated, " you need to stop, and relax. Your overworking yourself. Your already a great musician. I've never seen anyone push themselves so hard in my life."

"Luke! What do you want from me. You have Maggie. Leave me alone." She says getting up from the chair and walking over the other side. She starts to clean again.

"Leia, sit down. Your working to hard. You need to stop."

"I can't Luke."

"Why not?"

"Because of you!" She was blaming me. What did I do.

"What do you mean?" She was facing me staring at the floor now.

"Seeing you and Maggie together makes me so jealous. Keeping busy gives me a distraction, so I won't have to pay attention. The more I'm around you the more I feel a pull towards you, and I don't wan to do this to you. I can't do this to Maggie. She's my friend. You're my friend."

I was completely shocked. I wasn't expecting that. All the feelings I had for Leia, I though had disappeared never left. It was then that I realized how close we were standing. I lifted her head up to meet mine. "Leia, I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"It's not your fault. You were happy. I didn't want to take that away from you." She looked into my eyes, and I looked into her's. "I never stopped loving you. I'm sorry"

"Don't be" I couldn't move, but I knew I should.

Unexpectedly, her hand drifted to my neck. It settled there and pulled me closer. We inhaled sharply. She was against my chest. Must she be so perfect? I splayed my hand against her, intending to push her away, but instead I left it there. Her breathing quickened as did mine. I began nuzzling her neck with delicate kisses. So faint, they were whispers. Her limp body began to tremble uncontrollably. My head was angled slightly to the side as her lips came closer and closer to mine. I was surprised to find my own lips parted. Our breaths mingled. My heart fluttered inside her chest. At first, it was a delicate butterfly of a kiss. Then my arms encircled her. I held her gently, cupping her face with one hand. I leaned down and softly kissed the tender area at the base of her neck. Leia's body went rigid with surprise as trembles shook her body and the euphoric warmth blossomed within her once more. I tilted her head to the side and kissed her, my lips demanding. I felt a smoldering heat deep within her as my grip tightened, crushing our bodies gently together. I slanted her head further, deepening the kiss. Our actions became more rushed and frantic, I couldn't help but feel like I was cheating on Maggie.

Rachel POV

Maggie asked me to go and get some more cleaning supplies. I suspected it was to check up on them but, she reassured me she trusted Luke. When I opened the door, I saw, something that surprised me. I gasped, and they stopped, shocked at the scene.

"What the heck do you think your doing! What if Maggie caught you. Luke she is your girlfriend. GIRLFRIEND FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! What where you thinking!" They pull apart from each other ashamed.

"I can explain."

"I don't care, you tell her or I will." I shut the door, and storm away. How could he do this to her.

Yay. I'm finished. Just saying, this isn't as vulgar as some of you may thing. What were they doing? Find out in the next chapter. Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling.

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