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Leia POV
Yes! Finally, the day has come. Tonight is the night of the 'fix it sleepover', 'revival night over' ok I really need a new name. But that is besides the point. The girls are going to get closer, I'm so excited.  I've set everything up, all I need is the 'ok' from Annabelle and Maggie. I walk into the green room when I see Annabelle taking another vlog.

Annabelle POV
Leia is a perfect person for this interview, let's get some juice out.

"Leia, is it ok if I interview you, like right now."

"Sure, why not." She doesn't sound so convinced but that's fine. Let's go. She takes a seat in the chair I allocated and looks into the camera, fixing her hair.

"First question, do you like it a Lost and Found." Starting off easy.

"Yes, this place is amazing, it has made me grow as a musician and I have made so many wonderful friends. It's like a second home to me" She looks down at the table, "I honestly don't know what I would do without it." Gee, this is going to be harder than I thought.

"Next question," time to dial up the heat. "Do you get along with everyone at the studio.

" Umm... I would like to say yes, but I feel like there are some people that dont like me, but not many I hope." She looks so sad, I cant help but feel symphathy for her.

"Dont worry, I like you."

"Thanks, Annabelle." She hugs me as she regains her confidence.

"Ok, question three, what are your relationships with the people at Lost and Found?" I look into the camera for effect.

"Umm... I dont know how to respond."

"Ok, I'll say a name, and you tell me their status in your opinion."



"She is my best friend, and an amazing singer."


"You're one of my closest friend." She smiles


"She is an amazing performer, I dont know her very well, but I would love to get to know her."

I say a few other names until I come to the last two, I think will made her stop in her tracks. No more miss nice girl.

"Maggie" she flinches at her name, but keeps a smile on.

"She is a really close friend, it's funny, we play alot of games together, but she untimately won the prize. The worst part is that I allowed her."

"What do you mean games?"

"Next person please," her eyes are watering, not enough to notice on a camera screen but I can see it clearly. Somethings going on, and i think the next person will clear my suspicion."

"Ok, Luke." She looks deep in though.

"Well... Umm, I may have. No" she looks so torn. " He is... I don't know. I haven't talked to him in 2 days, because he's been avoiding me. I do need to apologize as well, though." She looks at the camera. "Luke I'm so sorry for everything I said, I didn't mean it, please forgive me." She turned back to look at me. "He is a friend." This is what I need, now time to get the truth out.

"Just a friend, but didn't you know, Luke admitted to liking you to everyone, watching. And I'm pretty sure, you have..." ouch! She just kicked me under the table. Ok sensitive subject, bingo!. "I mean don't you like him back?"

"He didn't like me, it was just a joke, you know to be more dramatic and controversial." She is getting chocked up.

I turn to the camera for effect. "So are you saying, he lied to everyone again. You must feel so humiliated, I mean to think a boy likes you but to then say your a joke. That must be humiliating." Just one more push. "So if he doesn't like you who does he like?" Her head is hung so we don't see the tears sliding down her face.

"He likes Maggie."

"Really, how do you know?"

"I saw them kissing each other, Umm, Yeh."

"Woah, stop, rewind! Are you telling me that they kissed."


"And your ok with it?"

She shoots her head back up, in confusion. "Why wouldn't I be ok with it. They are perfect for each other. Yeh I really have to go now."

"Oh, ok thank you for watching us, see you next time for another exciting interview with members of Lost and Found Music Studio, bye." Leia waves goodbye and then I shut it off. At that moment I instantly hug her.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeh I'm fine. I just came her to spark you, if your all set for the sleepover tonight."

"Yeh, I'm all good. See you then." She jumps up and leaves, without a last glance. Ok time to upload the video. It would have reached a lot of people in the next five minutes. Poor Leia.

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