Sleepover part 2

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Maggie POV
This is going to be really awkward. I'm not really even sure if I am welcome here. Right now Annabelle, Rachel and I are waiting for Leia to come down. Rachel said that she was upset, but she didn't tell us why. I have a feeling it's about Luke and I. Oh, here she comes.

Leia comes down the stairs looking her cheerful self. Wearing stylish pajamas. She smile as at everyone, and when she looks at me. I can only see happiness in her eye. I guess we're fine then.

"Good evening guys, welcome to the band sleepover." Leia introduces. We all applaud and shout yay. "Before we start I have a few people to thank. Rachel for putting the place together, while I was occupied." We clap, Rachel does a very dramatic bow. " everyone for attending this gathering" we applaud ourself sand do very silly bows and curtsies. "Now for the opening we have a choice of truth or dare, would you rather or secret sharing. Keep in mind we shall do all of these activities, for this is a get to know each of their sleepover." Wow! Leia is really good at playing host. I'm having so much fun already. "Shall we vote. Truth or dare" only Annabelle raises her hand. Typical. "Would you rather" Rachel and I both raise our hands, "finally, secrets" Leia raises her hand. "Ok the scores are in. Drum role please." We pat our thighs to a rhyme, even though we know who one, it's fun. "Would you rather."

"Ok everyone into a circle" Rachel says as she grabs some snack and puts them in the middle, she then gets a bean bag and sits on it. Everyone else does the same. When we are all comfortable, we start with Annabelle.

"Ok, Rachel, would you rather.., find out that you ate a spider in your sleep or find out that your waiter spit in your food?"

"Umm... waiter definitely waiter. Ok. Leia would you rather go to the prom wearing your night gown, or go to bed wearing your prom dress and not to go to prom at all."

"I would pick prom dress in bed. It might be uncomfortable, but at least no one is humiliating you, with photos and videos, but I don't want to miss out on prom. Ughh this is hard. Ok prom dress in bed.

"Is that your final answer" Rachel questions


"Ok, Maggie, would you rather... friend or boyfriend?" Everyone turns to look at me. Why do I have a feeling that, this question has a double meaning.

"Friends" Just to be safe. I don't want to get anyone upset. But that means Leia has the advantage over me. I thought she said she was over him.

"Good choice." We go around a couple more times until we have run out of questions, " Next game. Truth or dare is next. Who's going to go first."

"Ok, Annabelle truth or dare?" I ask, just to get on their good side.

"Dare, obviously"

"I dare you to," I look around to find something for her to do. " I dare you to do the chubby bunny challenge on video and post it on your vlog. The girls laugh.

"Ok," she grabs a bowl of marshmallow while I take a video on my phone. "Go" I start recording. "One. Chubby bunny, two. Chubby bunny. Three. Chubby bunny. Four. Chubby unny. Ive unby ummy. Ax. Ubby ubby." She shakes her head to stop. I cut the clip.

"Congratulations you got six."

"Those marshmallows are huge." She says after spitting them out into the bin and wiping her mouth. "Ok Leia, tuth or dare?"

Annabelle POV
"Dare," Leia actually chose Dare. I'm starting to think she wants me to pry. Yes, this is going to be priceless.

"I dare you to prank call Luke."

She freezes. Rachel freezes as well. What's doing on? They look at each other an nod. Leia picks up her phone and dials Luke's number. For some reason she seems nervous. Ok. He picked up. "Put it on speaker"


Luke: hello

Leia's disturbingly funny cop voice: is this Luke

Luke: yes? Who is this?

Leia: ahem, it's Sargent Thomas

Luke: Yeh, ok, how can I help you Sargent?

Leia: I would like you to repeat these phrase, I'm currently testing the line for interruptions.

Luke: ok, go ahead.

Leia: Ima...

Luke: Ima

Leia: Tot


Leia: albu

Luke: albu

Leia: ttwa


Leia: d


Leia: now say it all together. She turns the volume up so we can all her it. She faces it to us as Luke says...

Luke: imatotalbuttwad.

We burst out laughing as she disconnects the phone. Poor Luke. Leia seems to be more relaxed now. I'm glad I could help. We play this for a little longer until we decide it's time for secrets. Something tells me this isn't a good idea.

Chapter 9 up. I love writing this fan fiction. I get my inspiration from shows and other fan fiction. The prank call idea came from Big Bang. This was when Sheldon, Lenard, Howard and Raj ( don't know how to spell their name.) where waiting in line to what a movie. Penny, Bernadette and Amy prank called Sheldon and made him say. 'I'm a total butt wad' and he didn't have any clue. Thanks for reading comment down below.

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