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Leia POV
I'm walking into the studio with Dom, he's not a half bad person. He carried me half way, but then started complaining his feet was tired. What a wimp!

"Leia, I think you broke my back." Dom has his hand on his back limping into the studio.

"Stop. Your going to attract attention." I say slapping him on his shoulder.

"Hey, that hurts," Dom mocks hurt, as he stands up straight.

"Hi" I turn around to see Luke.

"Oh hi Luke" For once in my life I'm not fan girling over him. Does that mean I'm over him? "How are you?"

"Good, can I talk to you?" He rubs the back of his head while looking at his feet.

I look at Dom, he nods. "Ok, lead the way." He leads me to the abandoned recording studio, and motions me to take a seat. " So what's up?"

"I just wanted to apologize. This whole fiasco was put into public, and I'm sorry I embarrassed, you. I just want to let you know that what ever happens I will always be here waiting. There's never been a day where I don't think about you. I remember your beautiful smile and infectious laugh. Whenever your not next to me I wonder what your doing. I feel miserable because I hurt the person I love. I love you Leia."

I stare at him utterly stunned. Those where beautiful words, that would make amazing lyrics. But my decision is made up. I just don't have room for Luke. Theses so much going on, he just can't fit. "Luke..."

"Here me out, you have known me for over 2 years, you have Loved me for more. I'm sorry I was so blind but we can still make this work."

"I'm sorry, I need to go." I start walk away but Luke grabs my arm and whirls me around to face him against his chest.

"Tell me you don't love me." I wouldn't speak. "Tell me," he said, his voice sharp and demanding. "Tell me Dom is all you need or want in your life." His face was close to mine, his soft breath was caressing my face. "That you never think of me when your around him. That you don't dream about me, the way I dream about you. Tell me you don't love me."  This was to much. "You can't even say it. Then love me, Leia, just love me please!"

No not anymore.

"Stop!" I pushed him away violently, breathing heavily. "Just stop! Every time I'm around you, I seem to be hurting. How is it that I've loved you for years and you finally realize now. My life doesn't revolve around you anymore, you had you chance. Stop putting the guilt on me." At this stage I was In full sobs. "I'm tired of being the girl who has to beg for what she wants. I'm sick and tired of being the girl who gets hurt and I'm tired of being the outcast, who doesn't get a second glance. Don't come to me for love. You don't now what that is! You will never understand love, and you will never understand ME!!" I stormed out of there, running out of the recording room to bump into Dom. I hug him and pull him close to me. 

"Shh, it's ok" Dom whispered in my hair, patting my head. "It's over, your free." My sobs ceased. "Didn't that feel good."

"You were eves dropping." I laugh while rubbing the tears away.


"Thank you." I look up into his eyes. I've never seen a more beautify green. I can't help but stare. "Dom" I say nearly audible. He starts leaning down, until our foreheads are touching and our lips are a breath away. "Luke who." He smiled and pressed his lips on mine. His mouth was so soft and gentle against mine. The sweet taste of him melted into mine. For a moment it was just us, nothing else. We hesitantly separates smiling at each over.

"You didn't mean that."

" What do you mean" my smile dissolving.

"Your using me to get over him." At this point I felt we were miles away from each other.

"I can't believe you would say anything like that... I....I..." He put his finger on my lips.

"I never said it was a bad thing, sooner or later it will just be me in the picture."

" I'm sorry." I say leaning into his warm chest.

Maybe I wasn't completely over Luke, but he didn't mind. He would wait for me. But would I ever fully recover?
Just how long would he wait.


Another chapter finished I'm starting to have second thought. Who should go together Leia and Luke or Leia and Dom? Dom is so supportive, and Luke was being pushy in this chapter, I don't know anymore. Any ideas?

More Than A Friend (lost and found Lukeia)Where stories live. Discover now