The Kiss

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Leia POV
What just happened. He ran off. No. He pushed me then ran off. Why can't I even get a straight answer from him. I sit down on the couch with my hands over my eyes. This can't be happening. We just go back to the beginning with things being awkward. I need to talk to Rachel.

Luke POV
I run to Java Junction, regretting my decision. How could I have done that to Leia.  She must be really upset or mad. "Why am I such a terrible person?" I put my hands on my face.

"But you're not" I look up to see Maggie opposite me. Here is a person I can talk to. A girlfriend. Wait a girl who is my friend. "What's wrong?"

"Haven't you seen the video?"

"What video, anything on Annabelle's blog is bending the truth. So I stay away from it." I give her a big hug.

'Thank you so much''

"Your welcome, so what's the problem?"

I tell her everything that has happened leaving out the kiss.

"So she forgave you just like that. You guys must really have a strong bond." She didn't seem happy about that, but I smiled regardless.

"I guess we do. So what should I do.'

"I still haven't seen the video. I don't know how I can help you." I don't know if I should show her, it also has something's that I regret saying. Stuff this, I regret I said anything at all I love Leia not Maggie, she might get the wrong idea. I show it to her anyway. I watch her reaction, all good until it comes to the Leia part. She seems like she is holding back a laugh.

"Ok Luke follow me." I do as she says, which leads me to the rose room.

Maggie POV
This wasn't the reaction I was hoping for. He is suppose to be happy. Why is he upset? I need to find a way to cheer him up, and what better way than to write a song. We enter the rose room and I grab my guitar.

"What are we doing ?" He grabs his guitar.

"We are going to write a song about anything. What do you want it to be about."

Luke smiles, I think I know what he's thinking about. "A love song." I know who he's thinking about; it's me!

"Sure anything. Let's start." We start thinking of Lyrics and he seems more relaxed. Bingo! Now I just need to wait for the right time.

Leia POV
I talked to Rachel and she convinced me that I need to give him space and stop pressuring him. So that's what I'm going to do. Rachel said he likes me, but he just needs to get his feelings in check. Don't ask me how she knows, I guess the boys told her. We decided to write a song. So I'm just going to the Rose room to get my song book. I left it there this morning.

Luke POV
We just finished the song, and I felt better than I have in ages.

"Maggie that was amazing."

"Your amazing"

"Thanks, what now?"

"Luke," she looks at me with something  which I couldn't put my finger on, but it makes me feel uncomfortable. She's leaning in, I know what's going to happen next and I need to stop it. But I can't. Her soft lips touch mine. They are smooth and delicious, but there's something missing. I pull away. She's not Leia, that's what is missing. I stare at Maggie and she stares at me. Her eyes drift to something in the corner. I turn to see what she is looking at. Nothing could prepare me for what happened next. It was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen, and I never will see again hopefully.

"Leia, I..."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, I left my song book her somewhere." She said stuttering. Leia had a look of terror in her eyes the kind when  child watches a horror movie. But this was worse, tears were forming in her eyes and her hands were shaking as she looked around for her book. I felt my hand rest on a book. I looked down to see a book labeled Property of Leia. Of course it's Leia's, I have 2 choices 1 ignore it and let her find it or 2 give it to her and feel worse.


"Yeh" she said without looking up.

"Here is your book." I got up and handed her the book. She gave me a shaky smile and walked out the door quickly.


"Maggie I need to go, I'll come back." I run out after Leia. I find her in the recording studio hugging Rachel. Rachel looked up at me and mouthed 'I'm sorry'. She smiled then shrugged got up and walked out the door. I closed the door and walked to Leia. She grabbed onto me.

"Luke, I'm so sorry if I was moving to fast. I didn't know you liked someone else. Please forgive me for coming on to you. I promise I'll leave you and Maggie alone, but can we just be friends at least?" She looked into my eyes hopefully.

"No Leia you don't understand. I didn't kiss Maggie she kissed me. Of course we are friends your one of my best friends and I don't ever what that to change."

She wiped her tears with a tissue. "Look at me I'm a mess. I'm going to go the the bathroom I'll see you later ok."

"Ok, wait before you go, I just want to say I'm sorry and I will never love any other girl apart from you." After that I kiss her on the cheek and watch her walk away.

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