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Maggie POV
Ok so, I'm heading to the recording studio to see Luke. I want to ask him to be my boyfriend and I hope he will say yes. This whole thing has been confusing and it's getting on my nerves. I just need to know, who does he like?

I enter the recording studio and see Luke strumming and humming a song on his guitar. He seems so sad, I wonder what happened.

"Luke?" He looks up at me, and gives me shaky smile.

"Oh hi Maggie."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just having some bad luck, that's all." I walk over to sit beside him and wrap my arms around him.

"Wanna talk about it."

"It's just that... I love someone, and..."

"They don't love you back." I interrupted.


"You don't know if she loves you back."

"No, she doesn't love me any more." He rushed before I could say anything else.

"What do you mean, she doesn't love you anymore."

"She is mad at me, and I don't know what to do." He gave me a sad smile. " I don't know how this happened."

"If you don't mind me asking, who is she." I have a hunch but I want to hear him say it.

"It doesn't matter anymore. But if you really want to know it was Leia." Of course it was her. Who else.

""Isn't Dom her boyfriend? I saw them together in the Junction." At this, Luke turned his head in another direction and gave a dramatic sigh. "Luke, there are other girls who would kill to have you as their boyfriend. Leia isn't just one of them. If it's meant to be it will be. I know a girl who has liked you, and still does even though you have done some dumb things. In fact, I approve of this girl." I start playing with his hair. "She's smart, funny and some say talented, you would like her."

"Who is she?" He turns around to look in my eyes. Nothing can ruin this moment. "I would like to get to know her. I mean meet her. She sounds nice." I lift my head to look at his eyes. We start leaning in.

"It's me" His lips are soft on mine. A warm feeling rushed through me, I'm sure he can feel it to. I wrap my hands around his neck pulling him closer. He pulls my waist closer. The kiss is magical, our chemistry is like no other. We were meant to be. We slowly pull away, looking into each other's eyes. "Wow" I blush and look down.

Luke POV
That was amazing? I don't know what to call it. Something just didn't seem right. "I um.. Maggie."

"Hmmm" She looks up at me.

"I... I... I love..." I can't bring my self to say it. Her eyes have a sparkle that's so cute, but I just can't say it. Her eyes widen as she guesses what I was about to say.

"Oh Luke I love your too" She hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. I smile. This wasn't what I was expecting. I can't help myself when I'm around Maggie, she's just so alive. I don't know how to explain it. I hug her back.


"Luke you don't know how long I've been wanting to her you say that." She grabs my face and gives me a quick kiss. "I have a question, do you want this," she motions between us, "to be a secret or not."

Secret. " Open". Stupid, stupid, stupid. What have I done Leia's going to be upset, no she has Dom. She hates me. Well I have Maggie now. We're even. But why do I feel like I lost.

"Luke I'm going to tell everyone. Do you want to come with me." I shake my head. "Ok suit yourself." She runs out of the studio. That kiss was something else. It was amazing, the sweet scent of her hair, and tase of her lips were intoxicating. I would do it again, there's just one problem. You know it doesn't matter. We're dine. She hates me now, Maggie is all I have. But I wish it wasn't that way. I was to clingy I regret that. I walk to the door going through the scenario through my head. I was messed up. I pictured Maggie as Leia. I kissed Leia. I still love Leia.

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