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Leia POV
I don't know why I kissed him. But I don't regret it. Does that make me a bad person? No. I need to focus, it was just one kiss... right.

"So... ummm... what now? Look I just want to know, do you like me?"

"Of course I like you. Let's go to Java Junction, our friends will meet us there." I could tell she changed the subject. Why didn't she want to talk about it? She kissed me.

"That's not what I meant, you know what I meant." She kept on walking, so I grabbed her arm lightly and turned her to face me. "Do you like me?"

She looked into my eyes and I looked into her's. All I could see was conviction and confusion. So I reluctantly let her go. I guess I would have to find out later.

Leia POV
We arrive at Java Junction and I see Maggie there. She eye us suspiciously, the, shrugs it off.

"Leia, over here." Maggie gestures us over to her table. "Who's he... oh he's Dominic, right?"

"Dom, nice to meet you." Dom bends down to kiss Maggie's hand, and she blushes. A stream of jealousy surges through me, but I play it off as smile.

"So," I begin to change the subject, "how are you Maggie?"

"I'm great, it's been a long time since we talked, but I'm glad we're still friends." She looked down in her empty hands. "I feel really embarrassed that Luke doesn't like me but I'll get over it, just as long as your happy."

Maggie's POV
AS IF! I still love Luke. But I'll say anything to get out of the radar. My plan won't work if I'm a suspect. Luke likes me and I will prove it. He's  just shy.

"So how about you. Are you two..." I gesture between Dom and Leia.

"Oh no, no.... we're just friends."

"For now" Dom adds. He wants Leia. And I want Luke. He could help me.

"For now?" I say.

"He doesn't mean anything by it." Leia pushes Dom a little.

"Sure... anyway, have you guys seen Luke. I want to ask him something."

"Last time I saw him, he was in the recording studio." Leia said

"Ok thanks bye guys." I waved and went off to find Luke. Stage one of my plan is in motion.

— ———

Sorry this is really short, I wanted to get something out. Who do you think should go together, Leia and Luke or Dom and Leia, comment down below.

More Than A Friend (lost and found Lukeia)Where stories live. Discover now