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Leia's POV
I sit at my bed holding my laptop, starring at the screen. I need lyrics but nothing is coming to me. I start humming a familiar melody, tapping my fingers to the beat on my laptop.

"Is that your new song?" I jump up from my bed, to come face to face with Shawn. He laughs then helps me pick up the papers that are now on the floor. "I'm sorry if I frightened you." Before he hands me the paper, he scams the lyrics. "This is beautiful."

"Thank you."

"'We"ll come back when its over, no need to say goodbye.' Wow 'It turn's into a battle cry.' Leia What is this song about? It's as if your going through emotional pain. Is something wrong?"

I take back the lyrics and throw it on my bed. "Of course not." This isn't fair to him, I need to tell him. I take a deep breath to prepare myself.

"The truth is... I can't be with you."

"Why not. Is it something I did? I told them not to-"

"It's not anything you did." Tears start welling up in my eyes. I'm such a horrible person. It it's the fair.

"Oh Leia!" He wraps me in a hug kissing the top of my head. He feels so comfortable. Smells so good. I can't do this to him. The door opens, to reveal Luke staring at us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but, um,never mind." He looks defeated. Shawn turns to him.

"Luke what's up?"

"I just came to check on Leia. She kind of stormed out. I just wanted to make sure he was ok."

"She's fine."

"I can see that." Luke glares at me. He turns to go then stops through at the door. "Can I just ask you one question?"


"Are you guys a couple?"

"Yes. Why?"

"No reason." With that he closes the door. Shawn looks between me and the door.

"He's why your breaking up with me, isn't he?"

"I can explain."

"No need." He untangles himself from me. "I don't know what I was thinking. How long has this been going on?"

" I didn't want you guys to get hurt."

"Either way someone was going to get hurt."

" I'm sorry." He let's go of me and walks away.

"I have to be somewhere." With that he walks out.

Sorry it's short. My keyboard is glitching. It took me 3 hours to write with this stupid keyboard.

More Than A Friend (lost and found Lukeia)Where stories live. Discover now