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Leia POV
I just don't want to think about it. I walk to the bathroom to refreshed myself and wipe the tears away. Breath, Leia, breath. It's going to be hard getting over Luke, but I have to, for the sake of friendship.

Luke POV
I come into Java Junction and everyone's looking at me. Ok this is weird. I see John, James and Theo huddling around a phone watching something so I go and see what it is.

"What are you guys up to?"

"Shhhhh... it's Leia. Annabelle interviewed her" Theo shushes. Wait what? I push in to see the remainder of the video.

"He didn't like me, it was just a joke, you know to be more dramatic and controversial." She is talking about me. What do I do?

"So are you saying, he lied to everyone again. You must feel so humiliated, I mean to think a boy likes you but to then say your a joke. That must be humiliating. So if he doesn't like you who does he like?"

"He likes Maggie." Wait what.

"Really, how do you know?"

"I saw them kissing each other, Umm, Yeh." Oh no, she saw that. It meant nothing.

"Woah, stop, rewind! Are you telling me that they kissed."

"Yes" . At this point I'm hitting my head on the table for being so careless and stupid.

"And your ok with it?" Yeh Leia, are you ok with 'it', please say no.

"Why wouldn't I be ok with it. They are perfect for each other. Yeh I really have to go now."

Everything after that was just a blur. What have I done.

"Dude, not cool." Theo says shaking his head. "Why would you use her as a joke. Thats just low."

"I know Theo, I was panicking. What was I supposed to do, I wasn't ready for the big things."

"Do you really like Maggie?" John questions.

"Yes. No. I don't know."

" Then why did you kiss her."

"Again I don't know. I've messed things up haven't I."

"Yep," the boys say in unison.

"I'm not sure there is anything you can do except apologies and hope she forgives you." James advises.

"Apologies to who?"

"That's for you to figure out" the boys get up and leave. I turn around to see Leia walking in. I need to talk to her. Maddie comes in a second afterwards. She waves then sits opposite me. Great, just what I need. Leia looks up and sees me looking at her, we stay like this for a few seconds. She looks down and walks towards the door. Leia stops and turns around, contemplating something. She starts walking towards me with a smile and I smile back. That when Maggie slaps me with a warm hard and warm kiss. We pull apart. I look around for Leia but she is gone. Again, I push her further away.

Maggie POV
That was too close for comfort. She was about to talk to him. I feel bad, really I do, it's just easier this way. I'll apologize later.

Luke POV
No, I won't let it end like this. I get up and storm out ignoring the cries from a Maggie. Now, where did Leia go. Rachel! Of course. I start looking for Rachel until I find them both in the green room.


"What do you want now, haven't you caused enough trouble." I look from her to Leia. She don't seem to be present. like she is in another world.

"Can I talk to you alone?"

"Sure, Leia I'll be back."


Rachel POV
I walkout of the green room and wait for Luke to talk.

"I am really sorry." I wait for more, but that's it.

"You have got to be joking. Do you have any idea what you have done."

"Yes. I have hurt a really good friend's feelings."

So dumb. "We are done here." Why talk to him when he is so clueless.

Luke POV
I don't get it. What did I do wrong now?

Chapter 7 done. Do you like it. What would you like me to add? What don't you like and want me to change? Comment down below.

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