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Luke POV
I have to find Leia and explain what happened. She's upset because I told everyone that I like her, but it was a joke. So how am I supposed to tell everyone at the same time.

"Hey Luke" Just the person I was looking for.

"Hey Annabelle. I was..."

"Before you say anything. I wanted to do another interview with you."

"That's exactly what I was going to say. When and where."

"Now and green room. Meet you there in 5."

"Ok" I say with a smile on my face. This plan is flawless, nothing could go wrong. I run to the green room and sit down. Annabelle comes in later with her recording set and sets it up.

"Ok guys welcome back to an interview with Luke," I smile. "Now, something big has come into my attention. There's a love triangle in the studio, between Luke, Leia and Maggie." My smile fades. "Luke I understand you are currently in a relationship with Maggie, how's that going for you."

Wait, what? "I'm not in a relationship, with anyone."

"Then explain the kisses. Both parties were contributing." She pulls up a photo of Maggie and I kissing. Embarrassing. "Look your hand is around her waist and her hands are around your neck, because your so in love."

"I can explain them, they didn't mean anything." I say looking into the camera praying that Leia is watching this.

"So you regret doing it."


"So it did mean something. Poor Leia, she likes you and you here linking another girl." She turns to the camera. "I'm so sorry Leia."

"I didn't say I didn't care about her. Stop twisting my words. Are we done."

"Not quite yet. An interesting topic came up yesterday. I just wanted to confirm. Do you like Maggie or Leia?"

"In what way." I already knew, I was just stalling.

"Oh come on."

"Hey Luke we have band practice." Thank you John.

"Sorry Annabelle I've got to go, see you around." I get up to leave. "Thank you John, I owe you one."

"So, who you you like? I wish I could of heard that at least before saving you."


"What it's just me. No one else will hear you."

"Ok. I think I like Maggie. But I'm not sure."

"I really thought you would say Leia."

"I don't know. We really aren't  on speaking terms, and I don't know if we are even friends."

"So you don't like Leia?"

Yeh I do like her., I still have feelings for her. I don't hate her, but it's hard to try and speak to someone when they ignore you. She won't listen ,it's irritating and frustrating to know she won't talk to me."

"Come on Romeo, let's get down to the Junction. I'll cheer you up."

Maggie POV
I new it he likes me. And once I edit the video, I'll just send it to Annabelle to put it on the vlog and my job will be done.

What's the video about? What will it say? Tune in to find out next time on More Than Friends. Dun, Dun, Dunn.

Sorry this one was short. It will be longer next time.

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