Sleepover part 3

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Leia POV
Ok so right now we have decided to play a game secrets. This gives me a chance to expose Maggie. If she really likes Luke, that will be her secret... I hope anyway. 

"Ok I'll go first", I say looking at each girl. "Annabelle, tell us a secret about your family."

"Umm... well, there isn't much to tell actually. I'm an only child. Oh yeh, my mother had a miscarriage at 3 months. We didn't really know the child but, the loss was still evident. This happened before I was born. So I could of had an older sister or brother."

"OMG, I'm so sorry!" The girls join in.

"It's ok, it wasn't your fault. We've moved on, our family is stronger now." She sighs and looks up. " Ok, Rachel tell us a secret about an embarrassing school incident."

"This on is an easy one.."

"Yeh She has a lot of them." I interrupt giggling.

"Shush." She put her finger to her lips. " as I was saying, this happened to me in middle school. We were getting ready for a music concert, that our school was organizing. Back then I didn't have a lot of... ahem." Miming to round semis here shapes, we giggled. " anyway, my costume didn't fit very well so I stuffed it with cotton balls. When I was on stage, we started our routine. Since there was a lot of movement, the cotton balls fell out and spilled everywhere on the floor. When they were all gone, the costume sagged and people started laughing. The worst part was that my crush was there, shaking his head at me." We burst out laughing. Count on Rachel to brighten the mood.

" Wait who was your crush?" Maggie questioned.

"You guys wouldn't know him."

"I would." Seeing I went to the same school as her. There is a likely chance that I saw this kid.

She glares at me. " If you must know it was Ben Routt."

"Who's Ben Routt,"

"He was the second hottest and smartest guy in the grade." I say between laughs. "Wasn't there that time he kisses you and you fainted."

"Leia that's enough."

"She was out for 2 days."


"Fine, sorry"

"Thank you, now my turn. Maggie tell me a secret about your" She stops to look at me, smiles then continues. "Your love life."

Maggie was blushing a velvety red shade. "Umm... well as you know, I like Luke, and I'm pretty sure he likes me." She looked at me for permission to continue. I smiled and nodded. " Tomorrow I'm going to as him to be my boyfriend." And just like that, my day was absolutely ruined. Well more that it was already. Maggie looked at me, so I put on my most reassuring smile on. She seemed to by it, because she then started rambling on about, the confession videos and how he kissed her and bla bla bla. I rolled my eyes and Maggie noticed, because she then started to apologize about her rambling. Once she finished talking, she turned to me and smiled. "Lucky last, Leia tell me a secret about your feelings. What do you feel when I say these names..."

"Wait your not allowed to do that." I say panicking.

"Well, technically she is, since is still a secret." Good ol' Annabelle, always there to get the latest gossip. I give her a sarcastic smile and she smiles back.

"Uggh Fine."

"You don't have to." Maggie say.

"No it's ok, go. How many names."

"Only 2" I have a feeling I know who those two are. " first one, Luke"

I shock back some tears, making sure Maggie doesn't see. I bit my lip and take a deep breathe. "I feel I'm in a really awkward place with him. I don't even know if we are still friends." Maggie slowly nods her head as she takes it all in.

"Next one, me."

"Your one of my friends. I'm not mad, or upset with the current situation. You stuck with my stupid agreement and you won over all."

"Thanks Leia"

"One last question"

"Maggie. You said..."

"I know what I said, just here me out."


"Do you still have feelings for Luke?" Why did it have to come to this? Rachel and Annabelle are just staring at the two of us intently.


"Well do you?" Maggie's pressuring me.


"Answer me"

"Maggie don't push her." Thank you Rachel

" Please I need to know." there's so much noise, Rachel defending me, Maggie and Annabelle trying to push me. It's all a big mess.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!!" Everyone stops to stare at me. "I'm sorry, we should just go to bed. I turn around to go and sleep with my sleeping bad in the corner of the room.

Maggie POV
WHAT DOES SHE MEAN SHE DOESN'T KNOW. ITS A SIMPLE YES OR NO QUESTION. But she's right. I get into my sleeping bag and move to the other side of the room.

Rachel POV
What just happened?

Annabelle POV
Told you so. Didn't turn out well. I hope they're ok. Tomorrow I need to have an interview with Luke. To sort things out. Well, sleepover finished. Yay........?

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