Cometition Day

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Leia POV

" Yes" They squealed. Today is the competition, we have chosen our outfits, and might I say we look hot. I'm wearing a strapless blue dress that I got for Christmas last year. Out costumes involve blue with some sort of cream element. So in mine I'm wearing a cream jacket.

But for now I'm not wearing the jacket

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But for now I'm not wearing the jacket. Maggie is wearing a blue skirt with a cream blouse. She looks amazingly gorgeous.

(Her hair is down in a similar way)Rachel is wearing a barker blue dress with a darker cream color

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(Her hair is down in a similar way)
Rachel is wearing a barker blue dress with a darker cream color. She looks absolutely stunning.

We walk to Rachel's car and get in

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We walk to Rachel's car and get in. We dive to the mall and there are a lot of people. After we drove around looking for a parking spot, we walk down to the main venue to set up. I can see a lot of people we do know and don't. There is Clara, Mary, Issac, John and a few others from the studio. We go and say high to them and ask where to set up. After setting up we have a look around.

It's so busy. I wonder how many of these people are candidates. I walk over to a coffee house and look inside. It's modernly rustic. Im looking through at this amazing place, when I spot Luke. Yes Luke. The last time a saw him was over a month ago. And who is the girl next to him? They're laughing like they're old friends. His gaze starts lingering towards me, so I quickly turn away. No more boy drama.

Luke POV
I'm here with my mom's friend's daughter. She wanted to come and see the competition so I invited her to come along. She's really nice and I like her. I'm looking up from laughing, when I see Leia. At least I think it's Leia. I stand up and go to the door. But when I look around she's gone. Maybe it was my imagination. I still haven't gotten over her. But I will.

"What's wrong" Sophia walks up to me and links our arms together.

"Oh nothing, I thought I saw someone."

"Oh ok, should we go, it's about to start"

"Yeh" we walk to the venue and stand at the VIP section. The reason I didn't enter, was because I'm already an assistant. I'm working for Shawn Mendez and it's been great. We have a lot in common. I'm listening to the artist play their songs when they announce the last group. When they come out, my jaw drops. She is so beautiful. I knew I saw her, and Maggie and Rachel are here as when. I see Leia searching the crowd, when her eyes stumble on mine. They drift to my linked arms, which I quickly pull apart.

"What's wrong." Sophia says hurt.

"No, it's nothing." I rub the back of my head and look back up to Leia. They start to sing their song. Which is amazing, I don't know how they pulled it off in such a short amount of time, but it's really good. They finish and take a bow. Maggie looks in the crowd and spots me. She nudges Rachel and now they both stare at me. Leia ushers them off the stage without glancing at me.

Maggie POV
What kind of game is that leech playing. Leia and I are finally in a good place, and he brings another girl into the picture. He just doesn't no when to stop.

"Luke is here" I blurt out.

"Yeh I Know." Leia runs her hand through her hair. "I doesn't matter. We killed it. We deserve a break." She's right who cares if Luke's with another girl. Right?

We're walking over to the coffee shop, when we bump into to people.

"Oh sorry. We weren't watching, excuse us." She turns to leave dragging Luke with her when he stops and says hi. We all reply with a meek hello.

"You guys were amazing." He says.

"Thank you" Rachel is the only one who has the courage to speak. Both Leia and I are standing behind her, looking anywhere but at him. "We were just going to get something to eat. Do you want to join us?" I pinch Rachel, she grimaces but still smiles. Luke doesn't notice and replies with a sure. I'm already predicting how this is going to go. And I tell you now it will not end well for either of us.

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