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Leia POV
Luke who? Honestly I have forgotten him. My job is amazing and I couldn't be happier. Shawn is an amazing boss. He really gets where I'm coming from: my style of music is similar to his. Today we are going to some place for Shawn's da-something: I don't know what it's called.  Maggie and Rachel are in my room talking about how cute Shawn is.

"He is so natural and real. Do you know what I mean?" I roll my eyes. If anything he is a decent guy but not my type. "Don't you agree Leia." Maggie breaks my train of thought so I turn to look at her.

"He is ok. Come on let's go or else we are going to be late." We get ready and head out the door, to find Luke leaning against his car. "Umm, why are you here?"

"Took you long enough. Shawn asked me to pick you guys up. If we hurry we can meet him at the quarter way stop. Do you have your clothes packed?"

"Oh. Yes, of course." We bring out our suit cases and put them in the back. "How far is the venue?"

"Not far. 30 minutes depending on the traffic." Luke closes the boot and heads around the front, opening the car for us. "One of you girls will have to sit at the front: I've got some stuff taking up the seat." Maggie rushes to the front and closes the door, Rachel and I get comfortable at the back. Once our seat belts are on, I look up to see Luke staring at me through the rear view mirror. In response, I glare at him, and he quickly looks away. I still haven't forgiven him and I don't think I want to. He hurt both Maggie and I and almost destroyed our friendship.

We arrive to meet Shawn at the stop. We all hop out of the car enter the house, that just happens to be a single room. Shawn is in their, siting on the couch watching tv. He turn and sees us then smiles.

"You guys finally made it. What took you so long." He looks an me with a smile and I look away blushing.

"You know girls; they can't help packing their whole wardrobe." Luke responds sensing the special moment.

"What's that supposed to mean. I know several boys who carry suitcases filled with so many clothes that would shame the Queen's wardrobe. And it's better to be prepared than live on one pair of everything." Maggie interrupts.

Luke's POV
"I'm sorry if I offended anyone I was just stating a fact. Now who is going to help unload the luggage."

"Sure I'll help, it's not that much anyway." Maggie offered to help. We head outside leaving Leia alone with Shawn." What is wrong with me. I need to get over her. This isn't right.

"Hey are you ok?" Maggie asked while we unload things from the car.

"Oh, yeh. I was just thinking."

"About what?"


"It was Leia wasn't it."

"No it-."

"Don't try an lie. I can see you still like her and to be frank, she couldn't give a rats tail about you."

"What do you mean. She doesn't like me anymore."

"That's exactly what I mean." Maggie shut the boot of the care and turned to face me. "I mean why should she. You hurt both Leia and me, and didn't give a care in the world. Nothing you say could change her mind and maybe it is for the best. She told me she was completely and irreversibly over you."

"I don't believe you. I don't want to believe you. There has to- oh! What have I done. I've ruined everything."

"I would agree, but you had nothing in the first place to begin with. There isn't anything on earth that would give you enough credit to say that you had her in the first place." Maggie wasn't helping at all but I did deserve that.

"But you still like me don't you?"

"Yes of course. My feelings haven't change. They may be bruised but still the same."

"Thank you and I'm sorry." I hug her. At least I still have a friend. Suddenly out of nowhere, she grabs my face and kisses me. Not this again.

"What's taking you guys..." Leia comes out and stares at us.

Here we go again.

Leia's POV
THAT LITTLE BRAT HOW DARE SHE! You know what I don't care. I thought I was mad but I'm not.

"Leia this is not what it looks like." He pushes Maggie away.

"Luke I don't care. Do what ever you want just hurry up and get the luggage inside. So we can plan what we are going to do next." I said in a monotonous voice. To be frank, I'm over it. He breaks my heart so often that I'm use to it. Nothing he can do now is surprising. The only thing that surprises me is Maggie. I thought she was over him. Oh, well. I guess some people don't change. I should have seen that coming. I can let them be together, it honestly doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I turn to head back inside.

Luke's POV
What the heck happened. She's ok with it. She really must hate me then.

I can't blame her.

More Than A Friend (lost and found Lukeia)Where stories live. Discover now