Coffee Shop

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Leia POV
I don't know why, but Maggie, Rachel and I are sitting in a cafe opposite Luke and his date? I'm not sure wether to hit Rachel now or later. No one has spoken a word, and I doubt anyone will. Luke is looking in his lap, Rachel and Luke's date are eating, Maggie and myself shift uncomfortably, while we play with out food. This isn't going very well. What do you expect me to say, hey Luke it's nice to see you, by the way your a jerk? To be honest, I don't even know why he agreed. He's more awkward then the rest. I watch him stir his latte for the ninth time. It should be cold by now, what a waste. I don't know who that girl is but she really looks like trouble. There's something about her that I don't like. She's wearing a red blouse with white shorts and has glasses pulled over her hair.

"So, um what brings you here

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"So, um what brings you here." I say trying not to stare at the girl. Luke shoots his head up to face me.

"Umm, we are her for the competition." He says.

"Why aren't you playing" Maggie joins in. We all turn to face her.

"Because I didn't want him to, he's my date." Uggh, who is she.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"It's Sophia, what's yours."

"Leia, and this is Maggie and Rachel." I gesture to north of them.

"What's with the outfits."

"We were performing. We chose blue."

"You look beautiful. Umm, you all do." Luke quickly adds and looks down. I blush and whisper 'thank you'. Sophia just stares at me. I look up and meet her stare; it turns into a glare.

"Umm, So are you two dating?" Maggie perks up when she hears my question.

"Oh we-" Luke started to say something but was interrupted by Sophia.

"Yes we are dating." Luke's eyes widened. He was going to say something else when Sophia knocked my Caramel Latte on my jacket. I screamed and just stood up, making sure I took the jacket off before it could get onto my dress. It was ruined, so much for that. What's her problem. "Opps my bad." She says as she hides a smile with her hands.

"It's ok, we need to go anyway." I push my chair in and walk out, with Maggie and Rachel behind me. We start to walk to the competition venue when Luke stops us.

"Leia, I'm so sorry."

"It's ok" I lie.

"If it helps you look better without the jacket."

"I really need to go."

"Ok-" before he can say anything else we leave. I've had enough of him. Let's found out the results.

More Than A Friend (lost and found Lukeia)Where stories live. Discover now