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I'm really excited. Today my nephew is joining Lost and Found. He's really talented, but can be a bit troublesome. I just hope noting happens. I called everyone to the rose room to introduce them to my nephew.

"Good Morning Everyone, I have really exciting news. Today my nephew is officially starting the Lost and Found program. He was here yesterday for a look around. I beckon him to my side from the corner of the room. Everyone has a welcoming smile... well except Leia. Her face is full of discuss, something tells me they have already met. He is a charmer, but that's just one of his qualities that he gets from his uncle.

"I wonder if someone could maybe be, his 'buddy', to show him around." I smack my head in realization of my mistake. "I forgot to introduce him. This is Dominic, Dominic Everyone. As I was saying earlier, how about Leia" Hehehe!

"Sure, I don't see why not." She puts on a fake smile, and he smiles back.

Leia POV
Of course, why shouldn't I just get all the responsibility of babysitting a trouble maker. As everyone leaves, Dominic walks over to me and I roll my eyes and walk away. I won't put up with this.

"Hey wait up Leia" Dominic is running after me, "why are you trying to get away from me, what did I do?"

"Why do you even need my help, you now your way around if your uncle runs this place"

"So is that it, you don't like me because I didn't audition."

"No, that's not it at all. It's just that, never mind you won't understand." I head in to Java Junction and sit down. He sits opposite me on a table near the back.

"Try me."

"Look I'm not going to start pouring out my heart to a complete stranger."

"I get it, how about a secret for a secret."

"What secret could you possibly tell me."

"Don't tell anyone but I've never fallen for anyone, kissed anybody or had a girlfriend."

I look at him dumbfounded. I thought his charms would have gotten him somewhere. But I was apparently wrong. "What! So your charms are faulty after all." I laugh.

"Ok first of all, I'm looking for the right person, and secondly you think I'm cute." He says smirking.

"Oh get over yourself, as if." I say throwing a napkin at him.

"What's your secret?"

"It's kind of long."

"I'm literally here all day."

"Ok, I've had a crush on a boy every since I saw him two years ago. I fanaly had the courage to tell him how I feel and he says nothing. Later on an interview he confessed that he liked me but when I went to confront him, he told me that it was a joke. I saw him kiss a girl twice, and saw video evidence that he liked this other girl, that also had a crush on him. He then kissed me and said he loved me no one else. But he then said he can't be with me. At that point I had had enough of his games and called what ever that was off." I looked up to see him staring at me sympathetically. "What"

"If this guy can't see what an amazing person you are, then he doesn't deserve you. Are you over him?"

"I think so. Im focusing on music no more distractions."

"Good" he stood to hug me. It was the most comfortable thing I have ever felt.

"Thank you, it feels good to tell someone."

"Can I guess who it was?"


"Is it Luke?"

"How do you know Luke?"

"I ran into him on my self explained tour. He seemed nice. So is it?"

"...yes. How did you know."

"He can't stop looking this way. Look he's doing it right now." I look and lock eyes with Luke. I quickly turn back.

"So what. Ot doesn't mean anything."

"Surrre... So what now?"

"Tour time" we spent the next couple of hours going through each room trying out instrumentals, music demos and having fun. By the time I finished, I forgot who Luke was. Dom isn't so bad.


Should I continue I'm not sure if anyone's reading it?

More Than A Friend (lost and found Lukeia)Where stories live. Discover now