Sleepover, part 1

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Leia POV
Ugghh... This sleepover. I'm just not feeling it. I don't want to go anymore. My phone beeps and I see a text from Rachel.

*Rachel texts*

Leia I'm coming over

Great she's actually going to make me go. I really thought it would be fun, but obviously I was wrong. Maggie's gonna be there, how awful. Stop it Leia, I can do this. No one needs to now that I'm jealous, especially Maggie. The door bell rings, and I get out of my bed to let Rachel in. She's 2 hours early to help set up.

"Hello, Leia. Are you ready." She comes inside and makes her way through to the living room. Her face falls when she see nothing set up. Well, you can't really expect me to set up in my state now can you.

"I'm sorry", I just don't feel like it right now. Maybe some other day.

"Nonsense! Let's go. Cheer up!" How the heck is she so cheerful. Oh yeh, she didn't see the boy she liked kiss her enemy twice, both times on the lips. Uggghh, just thinking about it gives me a headache.


"I'll come back my phone is ringing" I go upstairs to my bedroom and pick it up.

* phone conversation*


Hello Leia, it's Luke



..... (what do you expect me to say)

I was wandering, if we could talk for a bit.

Sure, but I have to go and help Rachel set up, so be quick.

Ok, umm, why are you avoiding me?

I could say the same for you.

It's nothing personal, Maggie told me to do it, she said it....

Wait Maggie told you to avoid me?


Of course she would. Why am I not surprised. Did it feel right to avoid me.

No she said it would, help with... you now what never mind.

My turn. I didn't know you two were a thing, if I was avoiding you,  I was probable shocked and upset.


Do you want me to recap. I told you I like you, you say nothing. You then tell everyone that you like me, then say it was a joke. Then you kiss Maggie, not once but twice. Do you have anything to say for yourself.


Luke are you still there?

I..I..I just wanted to apologize.

Luke, my feelings haven't changed, no matter how hard I try. I will always like you. But the question is do you like me.

I'm sorry... I don't know who I like. His voice was strained, I could hardly hear it.

Luke who do you like?

I don't know.

Just tell me, so I can get over you.




Right, thank you for your honest answer. It will make it easier for me to forget you. I'm trying not to cry, but I think he can hear my sniffles.

Leia, wait...

*phone call ended*

Bye Luke. Tears fall from my eyes onto my pillow. I hear a knock on the door and Rachel comes in.

"I'm finish... what happened?"

"It's nothing. I'll tell you later. Let's go"

"Ok everyone is down stairs waiting, I've set everything up." She says as I head to the door. "Uh, Leia?" I pause without turning around. " Your clothes." She walks to me and hugs me. "I'll be waiting down stairs when you're ready."
I nod.

How did things go so wrong. Nothing seems right anymore.

Luke POV
Why can't I just tell her. Why do I keep lying to her. Tomorrow, I'll talk to her tomorrow. No I'll sing for her. Time to right a song.

It seems like no one likes it, comment if you want me to continue, because I'm not sure. Thanks for reading.

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