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Leia's POV
Stupid Luke, stupid Maggie. Uggh why does everything have to be so wrong. This isn't what I want.  I walk back to my room enraged and almost in tears. I don't understand why it still hurts, he doesn't deserve me, why-

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going." I scramble to wipe my already falling tears.

"Leia, what's wrong. What happened." Rachel runs to contort me. "What did he do?"

"How did you know?"

"No one makes you this broken except Luke. Im going to give you some advice. Either tell him or move on. You cannot keep doing this to yourself. Please for both of us."

"What if he rejects me again, I can't go through that."

"You have nothing to lose."

"Ok, I'll do it... but later?" Rachel smiles as she guides me back to our room. For the next couple of hours I'm in my room sleeping but mostly going over everything I'm going to tell Luke. I love him. What else is there to say. I love that jerk of a man.

"Leia" Oh my gosh! He's here and I'm a mess. I'm a mess and he's here.

"What do you want Luke? I'm kind of busy."

"I'm sorry, should I come back later." I scramble to get out of bed. It's now or never.

"No! Wait." I sound really desperate, but you know what, I am. "It's fine, come in." I go to open the door to let him in. "Come on in." We saunters into the room and sizes me up.

"Did I wake you?"

"How bad do I look. I didn't-"

"No, your perfect."

"-have time to... wait what did you say." Luke takes a deep breath and strides over to me. He grabs my hands and wraps me in a hug.

"I said your perfect. Your beautiful, talented and perfect. I'm a fool. No, I'm bigger than a fool. I was so scared of my feelings, I pushed you away. Will you forgive me?" He looks deep into my eyes searching for something. "Please Leia."

Luke's POV
What is she waiting for. I must look like an idiot. "Leia say something." 

"I-I-love you." Her eyes slowly meet mine. "Luke, I love you and I forgive you." She shifts uncomfortably on her feet, moving her eyes from my eyes to her shoes. She loves me. This is it, this is what I've been waiting for.

"Leia" My voice comes out of as a breath. "I love you too. I always have." Her eyes rocket up to mine.



"But Maggie-"

"Means nothing. I was wrong. We're just friends. I'm so sorry Leia for everything." She wraps me in a hug and I squeeze back. This feels right. It feels so right. But why does it feel wrong. Leia stiffens against me.

"Luke, What happens now? What about Shawn? I don't think we should tell people about us."

"I don't understand, why not." Fear and confusion course through me. Did I do something? "Leia what's wrong?"

She detangles her self from me and walks to the door. "Nothing but for know let's keep whatever this is a secret."

"You want me to keep my love a secret?"

"...Yes." Where did things go wrong. She doesn't trust me. She probably thinks this is another game and I don't blame her.

"Leia, I would never hurt you. Not anymore." She gives me a small smile.

"It's almost time for dinner, let me get ready please." With that she guides me to the door and closes it behind me. I whisper a small goodnight to no one and head to my room.

More Than A Friend (lost and found Lukeia)Where stories live. Discover now