The Aftermath

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Maggie POV
"Hey Annabelle, someone gave me this video to give to you."


"That's what I said. They were wearing a hoodie, so I couldn't see their face."

"What does it have on it" Annabelle said taking the USB.

"I Don't know plug it in and let's see."

Annabelle plugs it into the USB port and then plays it. We stare at the screen amazed at what we are seeing. "What a jerk."

"Wait, What?"

"Never mind. I need to upload this on my vlog."

"Ok don't let me stop a genius at work." I leave the room fist pumping the air. My plan is complete, now all I have to do is make her completely hate him.

"Make who hate who?"

I jumped. I didn't realize I said my thoughts out loud. Who said that? I turn around and see John staring out me with suspicion. "Oh hi John. I was talking about a movie I'm shooting."

"Or really, what's it called."

"Just a friend... I'm still working on a name. So anyway we're are you off to."

"Ding ding!" Johns phone dings. "Oh look, Annabelle posted another vlog video."

"Really" I act surprise, "who is it of?"

"I don't know, it's titles, 'What a jerk'."

Why would she call him that. He told everyone the truth about his feelings, what's wrong with that? John plays the video, and is shocked to see who the two individuals are.

"No,no,no,no,no,no,no,NO. This is bad, this is really bad. Who would do this? I need to tell Luke. I need to go, bye Maggie." He runs off towards the recording studio. Well my work here is done.

John POV
Why would someone do such a thing. I need to tell Luke and anyone I can, not to listen to it. This could mess everything up. I reach the recording studio and run into it.

"Luke, you need to see this." I hold out my phone. I look up and see everyone looking at the ground. "Oh, how did you find out." Annabelle already came in here, to yell at me for being insensitive. She called me a jerk and walked out. But I still don't know why."

"So you haven't seen the video."

"What video."

"This one." I hold it up so he can see it.

"Today not so long ago, a mysterious clocked figure gave me this video that contained something very disturbing. For everyone out the, this video will break your heart to see, one of our loved performers turn into the joker." Annabelle started playing the video.

"So, who you you like? I wish I could of heard that at least before saving you."


"What its just me. No one else will hear you."

"Ok. I like Maggie. "

"I really thought you would say Leia."

"I don't. We aren't friends."

"So you don't like Leia?"

"Yeh, I hate her, it's hard to try and speak to someone when they won't listen, she's irritating."

"Come on Romeo, let's get down to the Junction. I'll cheer you up."

Luke POV
"I CANT BELIEVE WHAT IM HEARING, I DIDNT SAY THOSE THINGS! WHO WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT." I could feel the anger inside of me boil. I wanted to find this person and hurt them.

"Luke calm down."

"Why? My life is ruined who ever set me up must be out of their minds!!! What if everyone has seen it, or worse what if Leia has seen it."

"Explain it wasn't you" Good advice James.

"SHE WONT LISTEN TO ME!!!" The boys seem to be staring at something behind me. I hung my head, "hi Leia"

"And Rachel" Rachel added. " Boys follow me outside." John, Theo and James followed her out the door while patting my back for good luck. I whispered a thanks.

"So you think I'm irritating and hard of hearing."

"No I didn't mean it like that."

"Luke what did you mean."

"Leia you have to believe me. This isn't what it looks like."

"Luke this is you, your speaking. What other prof is there? I trusted you Luke. I thought we were friends, but apparently I was way off. You don't like me to the point that you h..h..hate me." She stuttered.

"Leia" I take a step closer, and she takes a step back.

"Tell me Luke. Did you say those words?"

"Not exactly like that"

"But you said them"

"Yes" tears were pouring from her eyes. "Leia please hear me out."

"Fine! Seeing I don't listen I might as well try this new thrilling sport." She says folding her arms and looking at me with disgust. "Speak"

"Leia", I sighed," you have to believe me. I said those things, but not in that context. The person who sent that video, must have reworded it and posted it. I promise you I would never say anything to hurt or like that. John was there, he can tell you someone edited it. Please believe me. As I said these words, I took steps forward, while she was taking them backwards. She stopped when she felt the wall.

"Luke" she whispered. Before she could say anything else, I put my hand over hers. She looked down and smiled. "Does that mean you didn't say you liked Maggie." Her eyes were so full of hope.

"Umm no that part was true. I did say I liked Maggie." In an instant her hands were by her sides again and she was looking away from me. No I've had enough of this. I gently turned her face to look at my very close face. I could feel her breathing, it was a quick pace which made me smile. She was nervous. "But it doesn't mean I don't love you." At that I kissed her passionately. Her hands went up slowly to wrap around my neck, while my hands were around her waist.  I pulled her closer to make the kiss deeper. I thought that was to far, but she tightened her grip and deepened the kiss even further. I now realized what I said. I Loved Her. Oh no. I'm not ready for this. I pull back.

"What's wrong?" She asked with concern in her voice. " did I do something."

"No of course not."

" Then why stop." She continued to kiss me, until I push her away.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this." I walk out of the room. In embarrassment and anger. What did I just do, I ruined everything.

Hi guys!. Hope you like the story so far. Comment down below on what you think should happen next.

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