Altea Cafe 《chapter 1》

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~•3rd person pov•~

The sound of birds chirping could be heard. A streak of sunlight entered through the slight crack of your curtains. Letting out a soft sigh, your eyes slowly fluttered open, taking in the surroundings of your bedroom. You got of your bed and made your way to the window, opening the curtains apart. Piles of snow scattered everywhere on every piece of land. As you starred out the window, a giant white male samoyed jumped out of nowhere.

"GAHH!!!" You screeched as you fell backwards onto the carpeted floor. Letting out a laughter as you heard the dog barking rather happily. "Krypto!!" You groaned as you springend up to your feet. You opened the window, feeling the cold breeze hit your face. "I'll be out in a bit. I promise, krypto" you told your dog as you closed the window again, rushing to your closet to choose an outfit to wear. You ended up using a pair of black jeans and a grey hoodie. You brushed your hair and styled it a bit until you were satisfied how your hair turned out. You slipped on your sneakers and skipped towards the front door.

When you opened the door you were greeted with barking by your dog. You closed your house door and locked it before beginning to run. "Come on krypto!" You creamed out to your dog as you ran. Seeing him ran after you and catching you in a few seconds made you laugh. You were headed toward your town's plaza. After a while you stopped running and walked, your dog along your side.

It was a 5 minute walk to your town's plaza. You made your way to a cafe that was called 'altea cafe'. You pushed open the doors to the cafe and let out a small sigh. Your dog entered the cafe along with you, you made your way to the cashier, who was also your best friend. "Hi (b/f/n)!!" You greeted with a warm smile plastered on your face. "Oh, hey girl! How you've been?" Your best friend said as she returned the friendly smile as you made your way next to the women's bathroom to change into your work attire. After changing, you headed to where (b/f/n) was at. "How have you been (b/f/n)?" You said as you walked towards the cash register.

"I've been great! What about You?"

"I'm great too" you said as you leaned over the cash register counter. "Do you think I could eat a slow roasted bacon, ham and cheese?" you asked as you drooled over the pasteries that were placed on the glass counter. "No you cant,Fatass..." Your best friend murmured the last part. "Hey! I heard that! You meanie!" You spat and pouted. The bell rang as the door of the cafe opened. You whipped your head to the door to see the four guys. They were around their 20s. You've never seen them before. As you took in their aspects, one of them had crazy green hair and big green eyes, one had spiky red hair and a giant smile plastered on his face, one had ash blond hair that poked our in different directions and looked rather intimidating, and the last one took you a bit by surprise. Half of his hair was white and the other half was red.

You smiled at them and greeted them "hello, welcome to altea cafe! How can I help you?" The group of boys walk towards the register, with the greenette male on the front and the other three on that back.

"Um, we were wondering if we could have a job application" the greenetter male asked you politely. "Yea sure, I'll go get them. I'll be right back" you smiled at him and left to get the applications. You began to hear comotion as you headed back to the cash register. When you came back to the group of guys, a sweatdrop formed on the side of you head. In front of you, you saw krypto licking the ash blondes face, who was sitting down on the floor with a displeased look on his face and one of his friends tried to call him down while one stood to side watching and the

"WHAT THE HELL!! GET OFF ME YOU STINKY MUTT!!" The ash blonde spat.

"Kachaan! Don't hurt it! We don't know who's dogs it is! It could possibly be the owner of this cafe!" The greenette shouted to the ash blonde with a concern voice



"Hahaha! Oh, Bakugou, what can this bundle of joy do to you? Not even this can melt your heart" the red head said as he laughed at the ash blonde and picked up krypto with such ease.


"Ah, u-um, excuse me?" You stuttered, grabbing all of the males attention and even you dog's. "Here are the applications and I'm sorry about krypto" you said with a nervous smile. "Who's krypto?" The red head said. "My dog, which you are holding" you responded. "Oh, he's such a cutie by the way" the red head said as he smiled at you and placed krypto to the ground. You noticed that his teeth were sharp like a sharks. "OMG! I love your teeth!" You complimented as your eyes shimmered. "Thank you!" The red head responded as his smile grew wider. "My name is kirishima eijirou, that is bakugou katsuki" he pointed to the ash blonde " that is midoriya izuku" he pointed to the greenette " that is todoroki shoto" he pointed to the dual haired male.

"I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you guys, although I wished in different circumstances" you let out a nervous laugh. "Would you guys like to order anything?" You asked. "Oh no were fine thank you" Izuku responded. "We are going to be heading off now" kirishima said and they headed their way towards the door. You bid them goodbye and before they left, those heteromic eyes made eye contact with you (e/c) ones. You observed his features and noticed a burn mark on his left eye.

His eyes . . .

Hello readers and Gah!, Ik this isn't that great but for my first fanfic, I think I did good for my first fanfic!I'll be trying to upload a chapter weekly!

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