Falling again [Chapter 18]

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Bakugo hurriedly gets out of his car and makes his way towards (y/n)'s house. He knocks on the door quite roughly, his nerves eating him alive as he waits patiently for his best friend to open the door. He hears krypto's barks near the door.

The door suddenly opens and there she is, standing there with his black skull t-shirt he lent her years ago and never got returned.

(Y/n) is taken back to see bakugo at her porch, it's been at least a month that he has left. He's breathing slightly heavy and his eyes are filled with concern?, she can't quite put her finger on it.


Bakugo suddenly steps into the house and gently wraps her in a warm embrace. (Y/n) is taken back by his actions but soon returns the gesture. After a while of hugging, bakugo speaks up.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He murmurs as he pulls away from her and stares into her eyes.

"H-how?" She questions, knowing exactly what he was talking about. Bakugo then guides her to the sofa where they can take a seat and talk.

"I received all the letters from your mother." He states as he then takes (y/n)'s hand.

"(Y/n), your mother passed away a few days ago."

There was a moment of silence before (y/n) held her face in her hands and lets out a mournful cry. Bakugo stares at her sympathetically before hugging her. (Y/n) hugs him tightly as she sobs into his shirt, bakugo rubbing her back soothingly.

With these news, he couldn't bring himself to tell the news about todoroki. It can wait for another time. It wasn't good for her to be in that condition since she has to be in good health for her baby.Bakugo then stares at her stomach as he holds her hand.

"How long?" He asks as he gazes up at her.

"I found out last week. I'm 4 weeks pregnant." (Y/n) responds.

Bakugo smiles at her lightly before giving her hand a light squeeze.

"You're not alone, I'll be there for every step you take, I promise" he states. (y/n) smiles at him lightly before bakugo stands up.

"Wait here, I have something for you" he states as (y/n) quirks her eyebrow at him.

Bakugo exits the house, but after a while he returns back with two bags. He hands them to (y/n) as he sits back down on the sofa. Krypto is beside (y/n) sniffing the bags.

In the first bag, there's snacks along with a tiny plant. (Y/n) smiles brightly at the gift before placing it to the side. Upon opening the second gift, her heart feels warm. She stares at the ducky onesie along with a teddy bear.

"Katsuki, you didn't have to" she gasps as she hugs the items.

"I know, but I wanted to." He states as (y/n) soon tackles him into a hug.

"Alright, alright, that's enough! Don't hurt the baby!" He shouts as (y/n) giggles.

"I'm glad you're here" she states.

They then suddenly feet krypto nudging them with his nose, which (y/n) smiles warmly at him. Krypto then jumps onto the sofa with them and snuggles up.

"I hope she didn't suffer when she left" (y/n) murmurs softly as she plays with krypto's hair.

There's a bit of silence before bakugo speaks up.

"I'm not sure what to say to that, but I think she left peacefully knowing that you will be in great hands and that I'll be here to protect you" he responds as he ruffles her hair.

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