𝙵 𝙻 𝙰 𝙼 𝙴 𝚂 [𝚌𝚑𝚙. 𝟸𝟺]

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Blue flames ascended from todoroki's left side, soon being engulfed in them. He could hear his comrades voices, screaming for him to snap out of it, freaking out, but they were all muffled to him. It seemed as if he had lost his strength, bent down while staring at the tiled floor, gazing at his own reflection. He noticed the fear and bewilderment in his eyes. He felt so cold, yet the whirling of his blue flames ascending around him reminded him he was definitely not cold, yet the sound didn't help the ringing in his ears. He could hear his heartbeat and his breathing quicken, but mostly, he could hear his heart coming to pieces.

❦  ❦ ❦

"KATSUKIII!!! KIRISHIMA!!! I was wondering if we can go-" (y/n) paused as she entered the kitchen, seeing no sight of the two males. Wondering her way around the kitchen table to prepare herself some food, she notice a small piece of paper on the table. Picking it up, she read:

'Kirishima and I had an sudden call to work, use my card as needed.'

"Card? What card?" Gazing back towards the table, her eyes widened at the sigh of bakugo's credit card, she quickly grasped onto it and hugged it.

"Precious baby, you're in good hands now, let's order food!" (Y/n) beamed as she made her way to the living room. It's has been 3 months since she had given birth and she was well recovered now. Bakugo never liked leaving her side, but being a hero takes a lot of responsibility, although (y/n) likes the alone time with her babies.

Gazing up as she entered the living room, she screamed, stopping in her tracks. In front of her stood a black haired man who had burn scars around his face and body. The said older man seemed shocked by her reaction.

"Who are you?!" (Y/n) gasped.

"I'm sorry I'm-"

"Stay right there! Don't move!" (Y/n) screamed as she saw the man approaching her. The man froze in his spot, seeming slightly nervous now.

"I said, who are you."

"And I was about to answer before being rudely interrupted" the man spat, (y/n) glaring at him which he soon muttered a sorry.

"Look, you might not remember me, but I'm actually your brother in law, Dabi, shoto's brother." He continued to talk on about who he was and (y/n) soon activated her quirk, which dabi noticed and quickly shut up and became concerned.

Dabi soon began to make his was quickly towards (y/n), trying to stop what she was about to do.

"Hold on, I'm not a creep I promise, I'm touya-"

(y/n) freaked upon seeing him make his way towards her, launching a pan towards dabi with her quirk as she screeched. The pan hit dabi right on the head, knocking him unconscious.

"Touya? Shit... Is he dead? Oh god."

[20 minutes later]

"hey- wake up"

Dabi groaned as he tried to open his eyes. Hearing the young female whisper to him to get up. Finally opening his eyes, he caught sight of her.

"Oh thank goodness, you aren't dead" (y/n) sighed.

"I think my brother lied about you being a harmless and sweet girl." Dabi spat, sitting up.

"You literally broke into my house and freaked me out." (Y/n) retorted.

Dabi rubbed his head before (y/n) brought a warm wet rag and placed it on his head.

"Is it really you touya?" She murmured, gazing into his icy blue eyes.

"Yeahh, it's a long story." He murmured as he smiled lightly.

"What are you doing here?"

Dabi soon stood up and (y/n) followed, they soon both sat down on the sofa.

"Well, I think I derserve seeing my nephews and niece, don't you think?"

(Y/n) blinked before abruptly standing up.

"Of course! They're sleeping right now, but in the meantime we can order breakfast. Let's order Hero-fil-A ?"

"That's not breakfast-"

"It is!"

"You're going to get a chicken sandwich."

"Shut it."

❦ ❦ ❦

Dabi stared at baby katsuki squirming in his arms. Silence engulfed him as the baby squeezed his large finger.

"He has blue eyes..."

"They're so beautiful" dabi breathed out as he began to smother his nephew with kisses, the other two in their cribs.

(Y/n) smiled lightly before her brows furrowed.

"dabi.. are you-"

"I'm trying. They just want to lock me away even after my pleas and acknowledgement of my flaws. They- I know what they'll do to me.." dabi breathed out as he gazed down at baby katsuki.

(Y/n) knitted her brows together, sorrow seeping through her. She then softly made her way towards him, placing her hand on his shoulder. Dabi turned towards her, catching her warm smile.

"You're welcomed when kats or ei aren't home, it gets kinda lonely without them. Plus... being around you is like having a piece of shoto, you were a big impact on him." (Y/n) smiled warmly, dabi returning the gesture.

"Thanks kid, I'll try to be a good uncle." Dabi responded.

There was a moment of silence before dabi spoke up.

"I'm surprised these are shoto's kids, they're too cute to have his ugly genes." Dabi snickered.

"You're one to talk"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"You're ugly. Pfft!" (Y/n) snickered as she tried to contain her laughter as her babies slept in their cribs and one in dabi's arm.

"You are a cruel woman, shoto should stop addressing you as an innocent angel." dabi hissed.

The rest of the day (y/n) spent it with dabi and was able to learn more about his story. Dabi soon left, not wanting to be caught in the house of two of the most powerful hero's.

❦ ❦ ❦

Tears slowly rolled down todoroki's cheeks as he laid on the hospital bed. Unable to control such strong emotion he came across on, the doctors had to inject him with a quirk calmer, thus leaving him out for some days to rest from the mission. Todoroki's eyes were slightly dull as he stared out the glass window, watching the hues of pink and orange mend into dark hues of purple and blue in the sky. He swallowed the large lump in his throat as he clutched onto the white hospital bed sheet, letting a hiccup slip out his throat as more tears rolled down his pale cheeks.

On the hospital bed, near todoroki, was a phone with the screen light brightening the room up a bit. The phone was in the message app, particularly in a chat with an unknown number. There in the screen was displayed the photo sent from the messenger. A photo of todoroki's precious evangeline, smiling happily while she held a pink haired child in her arms who reached up to touch her face. It was a beautiful sight to see, yet broke todoroki down completely.

Breathing out lightly as he gazed down at the image displayed on his phone screen, he lightly uttered.

"I'm sorry my love"


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𝙳𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 ✔︎


𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 ✔︎

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