Mourning《chapter 8》

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~(y/n)'s pov~

《8:10 am》

"Mom..." there was a silence between us. It seemed as if time has stopped.I felt breathless. I clutched onto krypto's leash. My mother's eyes trailed down to krypto. She stared at him for a second before closing her eyes. She reopened them and stared at me warmly. I had taken my backpack off and dropped it onto the floor.

"Hello darling..." her smile never failed to ever shine so brightly and show warmth. I dropped krypto's leash and dash my way towards her and embraced her torso. I let myself fall down to the ground as I burrowed my head on her stomach and tears trickled down my cheeks. Krypto laid beside me and rested his head on my lap. I felt my mother's hand weave through my hair, it gave me comfort. My cheeks were wet due to my crying.

My mom shifted slightly and stopped caressing my head. Woundering why she stopped, I raised my head to look up at her. Her eyes held warmth in them yet concern as she stared into mine.

"What's wrong? Something happened dear? I didn't expect you to come after visiting me recently." I stared at her, my mouth slightly agapped. She noticed the tiny droplets in my eyes and wipped them away with her thumb. I then stared down at the ground and shifted my head to the side, staring at krypto. His fur never seemed to faze me how pure white and soft it looked. My eyebrows furrowed as i stared at krypto.

"Its about (b/n), isn't?" His name rang in my mind and caused me to jolt a little. I faced my mother, her eyes pierced into my soul. We stared into eachothers eyes.

"..." i couldn't bring out words; I didn't know what to say.

My mother let out a soft sign. I felt her warm hands cup my cheeks, rubbing her thumb over them as she stared down at me loving me. She smiled at me warmly and leaned down to place a kiss on my forehead. She then hugged me comforting, embracing my body close to her's. I felt a bit confused due to her actions, but I felt comfort. A tear rolled down my cheek as I laid my head on her shoulder. She rubbed her hand in circle motions on my back, causing me to slowly close my eyes.

"Everything's going to be okay sweetheart, I'm here. It's okay, let it out. Let it all out. It doesn't matter how many times you need to, I'll be here by your side to comfort you. You aren't alone." My eyes shot open and widened. My breathing hitched. Hearing those words made the tears roll down my cheeks like a river. I clutched onto her shirt as I burrowed my head into her shoulder. My cries and hiccups were muffled. My mother's embrace tightened as she leaned her head against mine. Her lip quivered and tears trickled down her cheeks. She began to rub my back soothingly as she silently cried.

《Time skip, 9:00 am》

Mother and I sat in her bed, krypto laid next to me. I unpacked the snacks and drinks I brought and scattered them around the bed. I was currently digging through my backpack trying to find something.

"I know it's in here somewhere.... aha! Here it is!" I smiled as I pulled out a small box that had pandas and the logo, Hello panda, printed on it. They were small crackers that were filled with chocolate inside. I handed my mother the small red box to her.

"Here mum, I know you like these a lot so I brought you a box" she stared at the box for a moment, then at me, then at the box again. She smiled and grabbed the small box.

"Thank you sweetie" I smiled a bit, knowing I made her happy.

"Have you met any new people? Made new friends?" Mother stared at me.

"Um, why do you ask mum?" I stared back at her, waiting for her to respond.

"I actually had a vision in my dreams that you made new friends and you were hanging out together." She responded. I looked at her for a while before reaching out for one of the snacks on the bed and opening it.

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