The ash blonde [Chapter 13]

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The white fluffy, yet icy cold snow melted as flowers began to bloom, showing off their beauty. The sun radiating off its warmness, making the days warmer and fuzzy. The birds sing their melodies, our ears absorbing the delightful sound. Spring is here, showering us in warmth and astonishment.

It has been 3 weeks since I've recovered somewhat memories of todoroki, enough for me to remember him, We spend more time together than usual. We have sleepovers at my house, watching movies together, but we mainly love cooking and baking together.

I'm so grateful to have todoroki in my life, to have been reunited with him again. I've never felt so happier. Ever moment I cherish with todoroki is so filled with love and happiness, my heart flutters whenever I spend time with him, especially when he gives my lips a quick peck or when he kisses my forehead. He's so gentle, sweet, caring. He's also quite the cutie pie, such an angel. But mainly, he is himself. He's shown me more of his soft side and other sides as well, which I cherish so much. It makes me feel... special.


My cheeks burn a crimson red as I create a heart shape on the coffee with the cream. My heart flips and palpates as I look up, my eyes fixing on todoroki. I stare at him in his uniform, smiling dumbfounded as I'm holding onto the coffee cup.

With a sigh, I leave the brew center and make my way towards the customer.

Arriving at their table, I set the cup filled with the delicious enriched substance infront of them.

"Here you go m'am, enjoy!" I chirp as I smiled warmly at her.

She turns to me with a warm smile as she thanks me. I excuse myself and my make my way back to the brew center.

Upon making my way back towards the brewing center, I run across todoroki, which he smiles warmly at me. My cheeks beginning to heat up as I smile back at him.

We share a loving glance before we make our ways.

We didn't notice, but from afar there were three certain people watching us.

[Author's POV]

Kirishima, midoriya, and (b/f) were prepping pastries, their eyes fixed on the two twitterpated young adults.

Kirishima aand midoriya share a glance before smiling.

"Still can't believe todoroki managed to make her remember him in such a short amount of time" kirishima states.

"I can't wait to show her all the notes I took of her quirk! Maybe she'll get a better hang of it, she's told me she has quite a struggle on controlling it" midoriya chirps.

"What's the next step?"

Kirishima and midoriya snap from their conversation and turn towards (b/f/n).

"What do you mean?" Midoriya answers as his brow quirks up in confusion.

(B/f/n) looks at them as she places a pastry onto plate, setting it on a tray, next to a cup of coffee.

"Well, you guys said after she remember todoroki. You wanted her to remember a friendship, right?" She responds.

Kirishima stares at midoriya, who seems to be in deep thought, for a moment before his attention turns elsewhere.

(L/n) enters the brewing center giving everyone warm smiles. She greets her best friend, who is making her way out with a tray in her hand. She then heads over to kirishima and midoriya.

"Hey guys!" (Y/n) chirps cheerfully as she leans against the counter, in between on kirishima and midoriya.

The three young adults begin to chat as they watch the slightly empty café. Their eyes then fall upon a certain ash blonde.

A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todoroki x reader》(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now