More secrets [chapter 15]

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A/n: oh dear lord. Sorry for the inactivity, but school is killing me! But hey, I'm alive!! There might be some grammar mistakes here and there but I was too excited to upload this chapter that I didnt want to go through all that. I hope all you lovely people enjoy this chapter 0w0 💕.

Also! If I were to make another fanfic, probably dealing with our same dual colored baby, or our ash blonde, or a certain tired purple haired boi, would y'all be interested in reading it? Tell me your thoughts!! :D

[(Y/n)'s POV]
My eyes flutter open as sunlight shimmers down at my face. I stand up and feel the warmness hit my bare body as I stare out the window, admiring the wilderness.

A yawn escapes my lips as I stretch, earning a satisfying pop. My eyes trail down to my side and I'm taken back by surprise when I don't see todoroki. I stare at the side of the bed where he slept for a few seconds before I quickly put on some undergarments and a big t-shirt, to begin the search of my beloved dual colored male.

As I'm making my way downstairs, I skip into the kitchen. I smile brightly as I expected him there, but find the room to be silent and empty. I turn around to check the living room, but there's no sign of todoroki. I slowly walk into the living room, where krypto is peacefully sleeping at, before stopping half way to stare at the small caucus that's placed on the small table in the living room. I stare at it blankly, tears prickling at the corners of my eyes, before I hear the front door opening.

I quickly turn to look at the direction and see todoroki entering with two beverages in hand along with a big papered bag. As he places the beverages down to close the door, our eyes make contact. We stare at eachother for a moment before he breaks the silence.

"Is everything alright?"

"You jerk! I thought you left me!" I said as I sped my way towards him to hug him tightly.

"I just went to grab us some breakfast sweetheart, I wouldn't leave you just like that. I love you too much, I would never dare to do such acts." He whispers softly as I snuggle into him.

We share another moment of silence as we hug and snuggle into eachother. Then todorki breaks the silence, again.

"You're walking perfectly fine." He states as he stares down at me.

"Isn't that impressive" he adds as he sends a smirk down at me. I can feel my cheeks getting warm as I understand what he's implying to.

"Quit it!" I blurt out as I pinch his cheeks, which he just chuckles to. Then an idea springs to life.

"Actually, I think I'm starting to feel kind of sore" I state, which catches todoroki's attention.


"My legs are failing on me now" I add as I wrap my arms around his neck. Todorki gets what I'm heading for, but he's too late.

"(Y/n) wait-!" He blurts out before I forcefully let myself fall down to the floor, bringing him down with me.

I immediately begin to laugh as I'm on the ground with todorki on top of me. He lifts his weight up so he won't be squishing me down to the ground. I wrap my legs and around him and hug onto him tightly. A sigh escapes my lips as I hear his heartbeat.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I ask.

"Yes, and I love how your actions prove your words. I love you as well, a bit too much" todoroki states.

A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todoroki x reader》(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now